Bathroom Woes

Gu-Woong and Yu-Mi head upstairs together, only to find Intestine Cell waiting for them. Intestine Cell announces that Woong needs to poop, and Gu-Woong is not happy about it.

Woong is visibly uncomfortable and struggling as they sit down to eat cake together. As he shuts off the lights, his ability to try and hold it in goes horribly wrong and he scrambles into the bathroom. He’s understandably embarrassed and even more so when thee toilet ends up clogged. He eventually asks Yu-Mi for help, but Woong is incredibly embarrassed. However, Yu-Mi encourages him to stay the night and even offers to rub his belly to try and help him feel better.

Thankfully, the rest of the night is salvaged and in fact, the couple decide to plan out their next trip together too. While at work, Woong messages Yu-Mi and suggests a hotel for them to stay in. With Woong needing to go to an investor meeting, Lust Cell starts to heat up in Yu-Mi’s Cell Land as she remains adamant on making sure they have a double bed.

Yu-Mi books the room at 12pm. It’s a tough choice between various different styles, each with flaws. She eventually chooses the one with a glass bathroom… which she blurts out loudly for the whole room to hear. ..

The next day, the trip goes ahead but there’s a problem. Woong points out that there are rooms at this hotel with a glass bathroom and whoever reservates those are basically confirming that they’re a pervert. Uh oh. Yu-Mi does her best to try and change the reservation but it’s too late.

When they get there, Yu-Mi does her best to feign surprise but she’s so convincing that Woong heads downstairs to complain. Yu-Mi hurries down to stop him, but Woong is actually called into the office to listen to the recording of Yu-Mi screaming about loving glass walls in the bathroom. Just as Yu-Mi rushes in the room, the recording plays out loud the words Yu-Mi screamed about loving glass walls in the bathroom. ..

As the pair end up getting into a heated debate over dinner, Yu-Mi brings up his bathroom woes. This, unfortunately, brings King Sullen into Woong’s Cell Land, who instantly throws Woong into a bad mood. This has the knock-on effect of Woong deciding they should just drive home instead. En-route, Yu-Mi realizes they’ve left their bags behind and hurry back to pick them up.

Eventually, the pair patched up their differences and kissed. They were happy and content in each other’s company, but they couldn’t get a refund for their Lust cell.

The Episode Review

This episode was great! Yumi’s Cells pushed its quality up a notch, and I felt embarrassed for both Woong and Yu-Mi in the entire episode. It’s hilarious to watch, and there are so many laugh out loud moments in this stress-relieving gem.

What’s particularly great about Cells is how Yu-Mi’s Cells takes these two beautiful people and doesn’t present them as these untouchable gods who can do no wrong. They’re complicated people, with a myriad of different emotions, going through (albeit extreme) bouts of ups and downs. ..

The whole bathroom incident is something that many people are worried about – especially on a first date – while Yu-Mi’s hotel reservation just goes from bad to worse until Woong hears her recording. At least in that respect, the embarrassment is shared between the two!

This is a wonderful episode and the preview for next week hints that we have more drama on the horizon. Can next Friday hurry up already?