Lustasaurus Rex

Episode 4 of Yumi’s Cells begins with Gu-Woong arriving with his umbrella. This singular act works to turn the lights back on in Cell Land, bringing Yu-Mi to look at Gu-Woong in a more positive light. He was curious about her lack of a reply and showed up to check on her. Yu-Mi was relieved when she found out about her broken phone and that Gu-Woong had come to check on her. ..

In Cell Land, one of Gu-Woong’s Cells shows up to check out the village. However, the cells there refuse to allow it and punch him away. There’s more pressing concerns though and as Yu-Mi passes out and runs a fever. With alarm bells wailing in Gu-Woong’s Cell Land, they activate sprint mode and let Gu-Woong carry her to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Yu-Mi wakes up to find out what Gu-Woong went through for her. In fact, he even bought her new clothes with a frog on the front. This singular act sees a frog show up in her Cell Land and helps save all the different cells, cleaning up the village and making sure Hysterius can’t come back. It even saves Love and True Feelings too. However, it turns out the frog is just an outfit for Gu-Woong’s love cell. Sneaky!

Yu-Mi and Gu-Woong have a wonderful date and as the pangs of romance start to spread, Bulletin Board Cell shows up late at night to help clear up Yu-Mi’s cluttered mind. Now, it turns out everyone has their own bulletin board and this is simply a way to sort one’s mind out at the end of the day.

When Gu-Woong leaves Yu-Mi, he heads back to check on Sae-Yi, who is tipsy. Gu-Woong decides to activate his defence mode, which is interpreted as a bear, acting dumb and defending himself from her advances. Thankfully Louis awakens just in time, saving them from a lot of awkwardness.

Saturday rolls around and Fashion Cell wakes up Cell Land, desperate to try and wake Yu-Mi up so they can go shopping. Her prayer wakes up the deity, who in turn encourages Fashion to sing. This works to wake up Yu-Mi, who goes shopping, hopeful to buy a stunning outfit for him. ..

Yu-Mi is sitting in her office, trying to focus on her work when she notices a strange noise coming from outside. She can’t make out what it is, but it seems like something is trying to get in. Yu-Mi gets up to see what it is and soon realizes that someone has broken into her office. They start talking about kissing and trying to make her unbutton her dress. Yu-Mi starts spilling coffee all the way down her dress, ruining everything.

With Lust Cell being kept under control (just about) by the other Cells, Gu-Woong finds his Cell Land under attack by Lustasaurus, which stomps around the ground breathing fire. It’s a hilarious way of depicting both of their feelings, and as Yu-Mi tries to stop Gu-Woong from using fabric softener, the two look at each other longingly. Unfortunately, Gu-Woong’s phone rings, distracting them. It’s a work emergency and he has to go. Goddamnit!

With their date broken up for now, Gu-Woong promises to message her and gets the taxi home. Yu-Mi meanwhile, decides to get the bus. Afterwards, Gu-Woong decides to head over and give her dress back. In doing so, he catches on that she wanted to kiss him and tries to rectify that.

The two young people lock eyes and kiss passionately, Gu-Woong holding the girl close with one hand. ..

The Episode Review

This episode is another strong one for Yumi’s Cells, which starts to show the pre-date jitters and what both men and women go through in the heat of the moment. It also provides a good insight into Yu-Mi and Gu-Woong’s relationship.

The Lustasaurus is a clever little metaphor for the different sexes. This works really well in the context of this show and the different Cell Lands, and how they’re intrinsically linked. This show works so well because of it. ..

It seems like Ru-Bi is going to be relegated to the back-burner for the rest of the season while Sae-Yi’s past with Gu-Woong looks to be far more important.

It seems that the pair have history together and I’m sure we’ll see more of that in the upcoming episodes. For now though, this chapter does such a wonderful job portraying the highs and lows of first and second dates, wrapped up in a heady cocktail of feel-good vibes. One thing’s for sure, Yumi’s Cells has been an excellently written drama so far! ..