Joon-kyung is at a sauna hostel where she spends her days playing phone games waiting for Gyeo-re to answer her calls. The old man leaves after mocking Gyeo-re a bit, but Joon-kyung is still waiting for her. ..

Seok-joon finds Joon-kyung in the sauna and threatens to kill her if she can’t tell him where Gyeo-re is. Joon-kyung triggers Seok-joon by calling him mentally ill, and he’s furious with her. He gives her his card and asks her to get a hotel room and live there instead of in the sauna. ..

Hyung-joon is walking home from school when he sees a red light turn red. He begins to cross the street, but as he does, a car drives by him andHYUNG-Joon is hit.

The car that came speeding through and passed the red light was driven by a driver who did not care about Hyung-joon. The high school student who was left bleeding in the middle of the street was left in pain because of this.

Hyung-joon is in the hospital with his parent as media reporters come to cover the accident. The doctors are not sure if Hyung-joon will make it but the reporters as his parents about the driver’s involvement in the case.

A famous political figure is in surgery and reporters are concerned about sensationalising the news. Seo-jin goes inside the operating room to meet him. ..

Hyung-joon tells Seo-jin that he wishes to be cremated and she meets Tae-sik to tell him that he can not fulfil his wish.

She pleads with him and tells Tae-sik that Hyung-joon was seeking revenge from the politically powerful family that did this to him. Since they are powerful people, they got away with the accident but Seo-jin states that a crucial witness was still Hyung-joon’s hope. ..

Dong-wook follows the wife of the man that caused the accident but is unable to meet him due to the security protecting him. At the hospital, Ji-woo tries to greet her father but she is hesitant to meet him.

The child reflects on the night of the accident when her father was drunk and half-asleep while driving the car. She remembers how both her parents were not concerned about the accident but were trying to save their reputations. She recalls how her father’s reputation was damaged after the accident.

After Hyung-joon was hurt because Dong-wook broke the signal, the politician drives away. However, in the car, Ji-woo is haunted by visions of an injured Hyung-joon.

Gyeo-re wakes up in the car with her mother, but does not reveal her nightmare. Outside her school, Gyeo-re sees that Seo-jin is being bullied by her classmates and takes her out for lunch. In the car, Seo-jin asks Gyeo-re to help him avenge the attack on Hyung-joon.

She starts blaming herself for calling Hyung-joon during the accident but Gyeo-re reprimands her stating that it was the politician’s fault. While she is at home, Seo-jin is all by herself in her big house meanwhile at the hospice, Gyeo-rethinks about her words from back in the car.

In a recent interview, Seo-jin revealed that she was being bullied in school for the wrong choices made by her parents. Gyeo-re recalls how he stood up for Joon-kyung as a child and was punished because he was an orphan. He also recalled how over the years, he was wrongfully accused by adults only because he was poor.

Yeon-joo tells Gyeo-re that she finds happiness in spending time with him and his family, and in being able to help others. She shares that she is grateful for the chance to be with Gyeo-re, and that he has made her feel so special. They share a hug before Gyeo-re leaves to go back to his work.

Yeon-joo flirts with Gyeo-re making him nervous. She mentions that her new goal in life is to make Gyeo-re happy because he has the prettiest smile in the world.

Gyeo-re is overwhelmed and asks if she was confessing her feelings to it and she says she is. The next day, Team Genie is working together with Seo-jin missing. Tae-sik reveals that he had upset her. Meanwhile, Gyeo-re is helping Seo-jin avenge Hyung-joon’s accident.

Ji-woo’s mother drops her off at school today, and Gyeo-re asks her to think rationally and not punish Ji-woo for the wrongdoings of her father. Seo-jin is determined to get to Ji-woo’s class, so she makes it there first. ..

Gyeo-re, a flower delivery man, goes to Dong-wook’s hospital room and waits for a video call from Seo-jin. Once Seo-jin is with Ji-woo, she asks her if she knew who Hyung-joon was and what had happened to him. Gyeo-re tells Ji-woo that he is delivering flowers for Dong-wook as an imposter. He says that he has been waiting for a call from Seo-jin, but has not received one.

Seo-jin’s parents are concerned after learning that Ji-woo was in danger. Seo-joon makes a promise to take responsibility for the accident and apologize to Hyung-joon’s parents for his wrongdoings. ..

Ji-woo apologises to Seo-jin for her father’s mistakes. Seo-jin ends up apologizing for overwhelming her as Tae-sik takes Seo-jin back home. Tae-sik asks Gyeo-re why he left the address to the school on his ambulance and Gyeo-re mentions that they needed the leader of Team Genie.

Ji-woo’s parents rush to the school after seeing her in danger. They apologise to her for not owning up to their actions. At the hospital, Seo-jin tells Tae-sik that revenge was never Hyung-joon’s wish. She reveals that instead of worrying for himself, Hyung-joon had asked if the suspect driving the car was okay.

Dong-wook and his wife formally apologise to his parents of Hyung-joon. The doctors announce that Hyung-joon was going to be okay and had gained consciousness.

Yeon-joo, a hospice worker, cleans Gyeo-re’s bag of cash which pisses him off. Yeon-joo wonders if she did something wrong. Meanwhile, Gyeo-re hides the money in the boot space of the red car. He also makes a will, as he was asked to in the first exercise of his Team Genie training. In his note, he writes that the money should be given to Team Genie after his death. ..

Meanwhile, the Gang Boss warns Seok-joon asking him to bring Gyeo-re to him by any means. Gyeo-re is getting too comfortable when he comes to realise that his volunteer hour will soon be over.

Joon-kyung has restarted her job as a broadcasting jockey for Seok-joon and his men. Tae-sik and Seo-jin are having a meal when he asks her to be respectful towards her parents who work hard for her. ..

Gyeo-re drops a completed painting of the old patient and enhances it to beautify it so that she isn’t upset. Seo-jin and Tae-sik discuss how now that Gyeo-re’s volunteer hours were getting over, they needed to come up with a plan to make him stay back at the hospice. Tae-sik mentions that he will finally have to tell Gyeo-re the secret behind the room on the fourth floor after all. ..

The Episode Review

The show has been interesting but seems rather slow for a Ji Chang-wook K-drama. He is known for his intense roles and seeing him play a calm and vulnerable Gyeo-re is certainly unique. I wish the romantic angle between Gyeo-re and Yeon-joo starts progressing soon and this episode gave us cute moments between the two.

In this episode, Seo-jin is a badass young girl who wants to avenge her boyfriend’s accident but it was so jarring watching her break down as she traumatized the little girl. It’s great that Hyung-joon is safe and that we did not actually have any death in this episode.

I think that Tae-sik has a connection with the gang Gyeo-re took money from and now that Joon-kyung is free from prison, we may finally get the intense Chang-wook back as Gyeo-re. It is not quite possible that Gyeo-re is Tae-sik’s son but it does seem like the patient in Room 403 is somehow related to Gyeo-re.