The Forgotten Battle Plot Synopsis

World War II is our setting. After a slick animation showing the advancement of the Allies across a map of Europe, The Forgotten Battle wastes absolutely no time getting right to the heart of the drama. ..

The Allies have captured the port of Antwerp, but celebrations are halted due to the Germans still controlling the Scheldt estuary, preventing vital supplies from reaching Antwerp. ..

The island is the key to the German’s defence, prompting Operation Market Garden – and the ensuing skirmishes beyond that – to be launched.

The film follows three different characters – Teun, Marinus and William – whose stories run parallel before intersecting during crucial parts of the film’s narrative. The three stories are connected by a common goal: to find out what happened to their families in the war.

What happens to Teun and her brother, Dirk?

Dirk throws a rock at a German trucker, subsequently killing three soldiers as the driver loses control and runs them over. With Dirk in hiding – and eventually giving himself up for arrest – Teuntje Visser finds herself working with the Allied forces.

Janna, a friend of Teun, is tasked with delivering maps and schematics to the Allied forces. However, instead she passes this mission on to her friend Teun. The Allied forces attack Walcheren and force the German troops to abandon their post. Teun is taken captive as a result but when the Germans grow ever more desperate, a rogue soldier tries to rape Teun.

In the movie Marinus has been conflicted in his actions, torn over what side of the fight he should be on. He makes a heroic decision, saving Teun from a nasty fate by stabbing the soldier. ..

Unfortunately, Marinus is injured in the skirmish and dies as a result of his injuries. However, he does so with a sense of purpose, knowing that he’s done his best to help those in need.

What happens to Marinus?

Throughout the movie, Marinus has been grappling with his guilt. He struggles with the idea of nationalism and isn’t quite sure where his allegiance stands. As a Dutchman, he obviously has ties to the Netherlands but also finds himself enlisted with the German army. ..

Marinus is back on the frontlines and he’s in for a fight. He’s about to face off against William, a downed Allied pilot. The two of them are locked in a stare-down, unblinking as they assess each other’s moves. ..

Both soldiers decide not to shoot and instead walk away from the battlefield. This is a telling moment, one that sees the two protagonists understand that this war isn’t just a simple matter of black and white – especially given the haunted look on both their faces.

Eventually Marinus finds himself in Walcheren, where he helps Teun, purging his conscience of ill-thought and dying a heroic soldier’s death.

How does William’s story conclude?

Tony is hesitant at first, but Will convinces him that he’s the best candidate to lead the squadron and that it’s only a matter of time before he becomes a leader. The squadron starts to perform better and they’re given new orders to attack an enemy base. However, when they arrive at the base, they find that it’s already been destroyed. They return home with a few scars but a feeling of accomplishment.

Tony is an enthusiast for the war until his plane crashes in the Scheldt river. He and his comrades are stranded on an island swarming with German troops, and Tony’s heavy injuries don’t help his future prospects. ..

Eventually William’s entire group capitulates and he finds himself on his own. Will makes his way to the Canadian base camp where he helps liberate Walcheren by fighting on the front lines. Eventually the German forces buckle and the Allies take control of Antwerp.

Given Will’s anger at Tony being brutally murdered in front of him by terrified and distrusting Germans, the fact that he and Marinus don’t actually shoot each other just prior to this is indicative of the understanding between soldiers. It could well be that Will saw the confliction in Marinus’ eyes and decided against pulling the trigger.

How does The Forgotten Battle end?

The film ends with our three narratives concluding naturally, with Walcheren liberated and our characters all coming to a natural end; Teun walks with the Allied forces while Will recovers from his ordeal. The final sobering facts about this battle though paint a much grimmer picture than we’ve been shown across the two hour run-time.

During the battle of Scheldt, 3231 Allies, 4250 Germans and a further 2283 civilians lost their lives. The Netherlands was eventually liberated on May 5th 1945 though, but the cost of this was heavy and paved with bloodshed – much like most of the conflicts across the campaign. ..

The forgotten battle movie is a documentary film that tells the story of World War II from the perspective of the Japanese people. The film was released in Japan in 2009, but has yet to be released in the United States. The forgotten battle movie is a documentary film that tells the story of World War II from the perspective of the Japanese people. The film was released in Japan in 2009, but has yet to be released in any other country. ..

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