Renewed Or Cancelled?

The show is set in the small town of West Egg, Ontario, and follows the lives of two teenage girls who decide to start making and selling fake IDs. The girls are forced to confront the challenges of life in a small town, as well as the ridicule and contempt of their classmates.

What is Fakes about?

This is a teenage drama on Netflix based on Zoe and Becca, two high school students who end up running a fake ID empire. Becca and Zoe see a business opportunity in making and selling fake IDs to their peers. The fake IDs allow them to buy beer and enter adult establishments and for most teenagers, this is a dream come true.

Becca and Zoe start a fake ID business, but soon find themselves in trouble with the law. ..

Our ongoing coverage of Fakes across the site includes recaps for every episode. You can check that out HERE!

Has Fakes been renewed for season 2?

Netflix has not renewed Fakes for a second season, which is likely due to the ending of the show. CBC Gem will be deciding the fate of the show as Canadian Studio co-produced this.

We’ll be sure to keep this section updated with accurate information over the coming weeks and months, as we learn more.

What we know about season 2 so far:

There has been no announcement from Netflix about the fate of the show “Tryst” but the first season ended with a cliffhanger and most of the storyline for different characters remains pending. Viewers want to know what will happen to Tryst, will he be shot? Did the girls take the gun from Guy? Do the police not realize the arrested suspects are missing from the police car? ..

The producers of “Stranger Things” have not ruled out a second season, but they are considering making it a mini-series similar to other YA comedies in order to give the story a satisfying ending. ..

Fans of Fakes, the new show on Netflix, are asking if the show will be renewed for a second season. The show follows a group of friends who create and sell fake products online. Some viewers thought the show was funny and entertaining, while others found it confusing and frustrating. Let us know what you think in the comments below! ..