Reaching Home Plate

How do Na-eun and Jun-hyeong handle the rest of their preparations?

Na-eun and Jun-hyeong have had a rocky start to their relationship, but they’ve overcome any obstacles together. They’re both happy and content with each other, and their relationship is looking better and better.

Na-eun is nervous as she heads to the company’s office on the eve of her big promotion. She has been working hard for months, but she is not sure if she is ready for this moment. As she walks into the building, she can feel the eyes of her colleagues on her. She knows that they are waiting for her to reveal what has been going on between her and Min-woo. Na-eun takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

Does Hui-seon give Min-woo a chance?

Na-eun calls Jun-hyeong and asks him to bring Min-woo along to meet with her and her friends. Su-yeon, in cahoots with Na-eun, starts openly flirting with Min-woo to try and make Hui-seon jealous enough to realise her feelings.

It’s been a little more than a year since the two first met, and they’re already dating. The other bridesmaids had all left for their own weddings before the two did, but they’re still close friends. They laugh and talk about all the silly things that they do together, and how happy they are.

Do the mothers-in-law stay true to their word?

The wedding is a big day for both the parents and their children. Each mum has a sincere moment with her child before the wedding. Both want nothing but happiness for the future.

Does the wedding go as planned?

Na-eun is a strong support system for Jun-hyeong on his big day. She tells him that they’re in this together and she’ll be there to support him if anything goes wrong.

Jun-hyeong also rearranges the congratulatory wreaths so that Na-eun’s dad doesn’t feel uncomfortable about any disparity between their families. He earns an appreciative smile and thumbs up from Na-eun’s dad.

The ceremony went off without a hitch. Na-eun and Jun-hyeong said their vows confidently and walked off into their future together. ..

The Episode Review

The wedding episode of “Running Man” was a smooth ride without any fights. Na-eun and Jun-hyeong showed each other love and support, and it was…boring.

The main issue with Na-eun and Jun-hyeong’s relationship is that it is very similar to the one we had when we first met them. Without a passionate romance or a significant relationship arc, what satisfaction are we supposed to find in their flat happy-ever-after?

The bright side to all this was that Hui-seon and Min-woo, for all their bickering, are kind of adorable. As are Na-eun’s parents. At least now everyone can finally find a bit more peace.