In the latest example, “The Lobster,” a film set in a small town in Maine, explores the issue of adultery. The story follows the love story of two people who are forced to break up after discovering they are both married to other people.

This list of films about the zombie pandemic is diverse, but all of them highlight how humanity comes together in difficult times. The zombie genre is one of the most popular and easy to replicate stories, so it has a lot of films. We’ve carefully chosen a few where the common thread is a reaffirmed notion of mankind’s special quality to withstand the most challenging obstacles. These movies from different time periods are great examples.

Contagion (2011)

Contagion is a movie about the COVID pandemic that was released in 2009. The plot of the movie shares remarkable similarities to what actually happened during the pandemic. This made Contagion a popular movie.

The film’s plot is shrouded in mystery and it’s difficult to know what is happening. We are given very little information about the film’s plot and instead, we are thrown right into the action.

A deadly disease that can quickly spread if not treated is on the rise. Once it is identified as the cause of all the strange deaths, the world must be brave enough to fight this invisible enemy. ..

The most accurate thing about the depiction of the pandemic in Contagion is the way that it blends feelings of confusion and terror over the masses. ..

The government is hopeless at what to do. There is chaos, intrinsic to the situation, more than extrinsic. The people have no idea what they need to do. Without truly making it a psychological film, Soderbergh is able to bring out the paranoia that we see in COVID pandemic as well that doesn’t let you sleep at night.

World War Z (2013)

Foster’s film is a gripping, if embellished, account of the events leading up to and during World War Z. Pitt’s Lane is a compelling lead in what could be an exciting movie.

The film’s uncertainty is palpable from the get-go. We are never sure where the film is going to take us, and as a result, it feels like a hostage movie with an uncertain ending. Pitt gives a strong performance as the leader of a small group of survivors who must fight for their lives against an overwhelming force. The film also features some great acting by both Pitt and Foster, which makes up for any lack of clarity in the plot.

The film’s vision includes someprophetic elements about the unseen dangers in the future. Vaccines and science can only go so far as to give you marked protection from such diseases and outbreaks. Coming to the film, there is not much to criticize here. The prosthetics work is amazing and the undead actually look the part.

The score by Marco Beltrami immediately dissipates any intrigue that may have been felt towards WWZ, which then carries the compelling story forward. ..

The Sadness (2021)

This Taiwanese film by Rob Jabbaz set the Locarno festival on fire. It follows the expected lines of a hopeful love story turned into a tragic bid for survival. There is not a lot of time devoted to the former, but it does hold you for the first few minutes. ..

Taiwan becomes the battleground as the Alvin virus sends the city into chaos. Jabbaz needs no excuses to present upsetting, gore-filled details of how the zombies feast on humans. He has plenty of time spent curating these brilliant set pieces that truly outrage and enthral you at the same time. ..

Despite the creative choice, Jabbaz fleetingly captures the exhausting dread and uncertainty of the pandemic times. With no end in sight, seeing the positive side of things becomes a challenge. The Sadness is not your run-of-the-mill pandemic film that dramatizes the story; it offers you something more visceral, stylish, and inherently spine-chilling that you shouldn’t miss out on.

Virus (2019)

The Malayalam film tells the story of the brave hearts from Kerala, India, who put their lives at risk to prevent the Nipah virus outbreak from becoming a nationwide pandemic. Like the COVID virus, it spreads through contact and hence became a problem similar to what we experienced in March of 2020. ..

Aashiq Abu’s direction allows us to see the events unfold from the very beginning and the quick response from the authorities. There are stark similarities between what actually happened and the events of the film. In fact, the climax also shows how the virus was contracted by patient zero.

The film Abu Dhabi tells the story of a team of firefighters who work together to beat a virus. The team is made up of brave individuals who are willing to risk their lives for others. The team’s unity is key to their success.

The Kerala administration successfully ended the virus outbreak when it occurred, and the movie gives them credit for it. ..

Train to Busan (2016)

Train to Busan is one of the most highly anticipated films on this year’s list. It is set to be released in America next year, and is sure to be a hit with moviegoers. ..

The most refreshing aspect of TTB is its fully realized collection of characters that are not a part of the story but are the story. Without them, it is just a bunch of empty streets with the “turned” rolling around in the dirt. ..

Train to Busan is a unique film that takes its roots from Korean culture and society. Class warfare is intrinsic to anything that Korean filmmakers create, and this film is no different. We see on the screen a unique blend of thrills and emotions that is just as fascinating as it is heartbreaking.

The credits roll and you’re left with a feeling of emptiness. You expected something more, but instead you’re left with a similar ending to the ones that have beenfalling your characters throughout the film. It’s not a surprise, though - this is a film about death and dying.

In the Same Breath (2021)

This documentary is important because it tells the story of people who have been affected by the pandemic and how they are trying to cope with its effects. It also provides a unique perspective on the pandemic, as it is the only film that takes us inside hospitals and other locations where people are being treated for the virus.

The documentary film “China’s Virus” tells the story of how a small group of filmmakers fought back against the Chinese government’s attempt to bury the truth about the virus and its origins. The filmmakers used their creative skills and their personal relationships with people who were affected by the virus to create a powerful film that exposes China’s shameful history with this deadly disease.

However, we must also remember that the virus was created by a team of scientists working in close collaboration with China. The Chinese government is fully aware of the virus and has been working tirelessly to contain it.

The emotional exhaustion and fear that gripped hospitals and the healthcare systems in the early days of the pandemic is truly soul-shaking. Amplifying the true warriors’ voices is its biggest achievement. It is a must-see film for how uncompromising it is in its style and ethos. For every human being who lost a loved one.

Cargo (2017)

The film opens with a scene of the chaos that followed the pandemic’s initial outbreak. Scenes of people running and screaming are interspersed with shots of wrecked cars and collapsed buildings. The film then switches to the perspective of those who have been left behind. We see them living in fear and poverty, trying to survive in a world where there is no food or water.

Cargo is a unique and refreshing game. It gives players a new beginning, and even when the game is in action, there is always a sense of thought behind all the turns. ..

The Australian setting is a distinguishing story element that gives the film a different flavor and an intelligent, emotional depth. Martin Freeman gives an important performance that is as intense as it is delicate.

Zombieland (2009)

The film is set in the days leading up to the pandemic, as people try to survive and find ways to cope. It’s a fast-paced, exciting movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The three actors in Zombieland are all very good and fit the role perfectly. They are all very funny and have the right temperament for the light film. The movie is pure fun and I enjoyed it immensely. It is easy on the eye, passes the time, and delivers impressively choreographed and thought-out action sequences that are just as funny.

It Comes at Night (2017)

The post-apocalyptic pandemic story is probably the only true horror film on the list. It is differentiated from staple content because of how it is shot: from the perspective of the infected. This unique perspective makes it stand out from other horror films, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre. ..

Director Trey Shults creates a tense and ambiguous atmosphere in his film, which never quite manifests. All we know is that it is there, lurking somewhere near. If unity and togetherness are key to survival in such situations, ‘It Comes at Night’ defies those tropes.

The struggle to survive in the game is harder due to the ever-changing unknown. The humans are seen as such and not as monsters trying to rip each other apart. In fact, the ironic beauty of it all is that humans are the monsters for whom self-preservation comes first before anything. ..

Help (2021)

The film follows the story of a group of elderly people who are struggling with the pandemic. It stars Jodie Comer as a woman who is in charge of a nursing home where the pandemic is taking hold. Stephen Graham plays her husband, who is trying to keep everything together for his wife and children.

The project was made to tell the story of the people who are affected by the pandemic. It is a bold political mouthpiece that is against the government of the day for its lackluster and irresponsible response to the pandemic. The final climax where the fourth wall is broken underlines why this project was made. Its incredibly humane story keeps you emotionally invested, as the helpless patients suffer along with the nurses who are forced to take care of them.

This film tells the story of a Samaritan who risked everything to help others. She is an unsung hero who puts her life at risk to take care of others. This kind of pure generosity is hard to find in mainstream cinema these days, but plenty of Samaritans like her woke up to help others from a place of compassion.

  1. “The Good Place”
  2. “The Mummy”
  3. “A Quiet Place”
  4. “The Shape of Water”
  5. “Black Mirror”
  6. “The Crown”
  7. " Stranger Things
  8. " The Crowning Moment: Part 1"
  9. " The Crowning Moment: Part 2"
  10. “Mudbound.”

Our picks for the best summer reads are just the beginning! Let us know in the comments below what books you’re looking forward to reading this season. ..

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