Meet The Family

The first episode of Umbrella Academy Season 3 introduces us to the 16 women who became pregnant, and to the seven new kids brought in. These kids are very different from the ones we’ve come to know and love. The first episode is a mystery, as we don’t know what happened to the other six children. We do know that one of them is dead, and that the other five are in some kind of trouble.

There are three main characters in this story: Marcus, Fei, Ben and Christopher. Each has their own unique abilities which are shown in the montage. We follow them as they go about their day at Sparrow Academy.

Marcus and Diego decide to settle their differences through a dance-off, but things quickly escalate. As we zoom out from Diego’s eye, we see that he had previously been spat on by Jayme, using some sort of toxic hallucinogen. This raises the question of who really deserves to win the dance-off. ..

The two groups of people fight it out with a showcase of their powers. It’s a slick and clever way to see all the new powers in action, including Fei’s ravens, Marcus’ super strength and Sloane’s gravity manipulation.

The Umbrellas lost to the Sparrows in a close battle, with Five revealing that their actions last season have changed the timeline. Worse, Five has misplaced the briefcase needed to escape and get back to their own time. Interestingly, there is a swirling ball of energy nearby that may be important later on. ..

Klaus takes them all to Hotel Obsidian, a place to lay low. That’s just as well, given the Sparrow Academy are intent on finding and stopping the Umbrellas. Hargreeves warns Marcus not to underestimate them, reminding the gang all that they saved the world in 1963 despite their shortcomings.

Vanya leaves and meets Marcus in confidence, wanting to resolve this conflict peacefully. Vanya warns him that she’s ended the world twice and it would do his reputation no good to fight again, because the Sparrows may not win. All she wants is the briefcase. If he can hand that over, they’ll leave them in peace. ..

Fei and her raven watch as the swirling ball of energy destroys Marcus and the Hotel Obsidian’s owner’s dog. This shows that the world is in danger, and Fei must find a way to stop it.

The Episode Review

The first episode of Umbrella Academy was a great start with an introduction to the new world and another big threat to tackle. The balance of power here is clearly with the Sparrows and I’m sure we’ll discover more of this world over the course of the season. ..

The show has a great balance of wit and seriousness, with an ominous looking orb in the basement that looks like it could be the world-ending threat this year. ..

The fight in the Sparrow Academy was a clever addition to this episode. It showed the powers of these different characters in an organic way.

With all episodes available to watch today, thankfully we don’t have to wait too long to find out what happens next! The next chapter is coming!