For our ongoing series of articles depicting the best anime, our attention this time turns to agriculture and its many different aspects. From comfy hilarious anime to gruesome tales, there’s a good choice to whet your appetite. ..

We’ve compiled a list of our favorite beauty products for you to try. ..

Silver Spoon

If you’re looking for an anime that will keep you entertained from beginning to end, Silver Spoon is the perfect choice. The manga that the anime is based on is highly respected and well-known, so you can be sure that the story will be engaging and full of surprises. Plus, the humor in this anime is top-notch – it’s sure to make you laugh out loud!

Silver Spoon follows Yuugo Hachiken, a student who enrolls in a boarding school that resides in the countryside. Yuugo finds out that his classmates excel more at farm life than himself, which shatters his expectations. ..

The anime tells the story of Yuugo, a young man who has chosen to live a life of self-fulfilment on a smallholding in rural Japan. He learns about his new lifestyle and the challenges that farmers face as they try to maintain their way of life. The anime offers relatable scenes concerning the challenges and obstacles farmers go through, such as raising cattle, stock management, and waking up at dawn to harvest, water, and care for the planet and animal life.

Yuugo, a farm boy who is thrust into the world of professional wrestling, must learn to appreciate the art form and its people. This process begins with him learning to get to know his co-workers better. Over time, he comes to see them as equals and starts to appreciate their passion for the sport. The side characters in this anime also offer memorable and stellar performances.

If you enjoyed the brotherly dynamic between Edward and Alphonse in Fullmetal Alchemist, then you’ll enjoy this anime. Fans of farming and agricultural lifestyles will get a kick out of it, too. ..

Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture

Moyashimon is an anime with a focus on agriculture and health. It offers some educational value like Silver Spoon but also includes a degree of supernatural activity.

Professor Itsuki asks Tadayasu to help him with a project that he’s working on. The project is to ferment soybeans into a product that will be used in food products. Tadayasu is excited to help and agrees. He begins his research by studying the microbes that are involved in the fermentation process. He learns about their behavior and how they interact with one another. He also learns about the different types of soybeans and how they are grown. Tadayasu is able to complete his project successfully and learn a lot about fermentation while doing it.

Sawaki’s abilities are impressive, but his character lacks nuance. This is because of his mundane personality. The other students, professors, and microorganism characters Sawaki concocts make up some of the series’ best moments. They also push Sawaki to commit to more entertaining and daring acts his character wouldn’t think about participating in. ..

Despite having a bland protagonist, the hilarious shenanigans he finds himself in will provide viewers with an entertaining and insightful experience. I’d recommend checking out Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture for its quirky moments alone.

Non Non Biyori

Non Non Biyori is a great anime to watch if you’re looking to relax and drop the worries that crop up in life. This anime’s natural setting, enjoyable characters, and cozy storyline enhance this effect further, allowing anyone to jump into its world.

However, the village is home to a group of girls who are as unique as they are lovable. They live their lives without the need for technology or conveniences, and it’s this sense of community that makes them so special. ..

Despite the challenges of her new home, Hotaru embraces the isolated atmosphere of her new village, thanks to the help of her four classmates. Each classmate has an interesting quirks that heighten their experiences in the village. This anime highlights the clash between rural and metropolitan lifestyles through the mindset and shenanigans of Hotaru and her beloved friends.

Agriculture Angel BARAKI

Agriculture Angel BARAKI is an educational anime that is great for those wanting to learn more about farming. The premise lacks depth and some of its characters fit general archetypes that are never explored further, but the anime is overall great for those looking to learn more about the process.

Sanae is the only person in her village who can see the spirits of the dead. She is able to communicate with them and they help her with her farm work. One day, she discovers a young girl in the forest nearby has also been able to see the spirits. The girl tells Sanae that she has been sent by the spirits to help her find a way to stop a war between two villages. The girl also tells Sanae that she knows how to bring peace and prosperity to her village. Sanae decides to help the girl, and together they set out on a journey to find the solution.

Sanae can see and communicate with spirits. These spirits are friendly beings and assist Sanae in producing many agricultural goods. Sanae’s farmland becomes so popular that an evil group aims to swipe it from her. Little do they know that Sanae can transform into a farmer-like super-heroine named Agriculture Angel Baraki.


Maoyu is an anime with a mix of history and agricultural value. While the overarching plot is interesting, the episodic structure can make it feel slightly episodic. With a slice of comedy and romance wedged in between, Maoyu delivers a satisfying experience. ..

The Hero, a human, is fighting against demons in a war. When he arrives at the Demon Queen’s castle, he finds out that she is also fighting against the demons. The Demon Queen asks the Hero to help her and he agrees. ..

The Hero refuses her offer due to believing the war between the demons has torn the Southern Nations apart. However, the Demon Queen refutes his claims and plans to end the war. These remarks convince the Hero to work alongside the Demon Queen as their journey follows their journey to end the war.

The Demon Queen’s schemes have a wonderful atmosphere that elevates from her plans. You’ll see her wanting to reform agriculture, the economy, and other things. What will stand out to you most from her plans is the effects it has on the citizens and country. The relationship between the Demon Queen and the Hero gradually develops throughout the narrative.

This anime is set in the future, and it tells the story of a group of people who live on a small island that is constantly at war with another island. The main characters are two farmers, who fall in love with each other while they are fighting for their island.


In life, I find myself gravitating toward people who are passionate and dedicated to their craft. Whether it’s sports, writing, or a small hobby, you can’t help but praise these individuals for finding an activity that speaks to their souls. Enter No-Rin, an anime with a protagonist who is passionate about farming.

Kousaku Hata is a popular high school student who is heartbroken that his favorite idol, Yuka Kusakabe, has retired. This news takes a toll on our pop-culture-obsessed friend, leading to him undergoing depression and self-isolation. However, one of his friends convinces him to attend school, and when he arrives, he’s shocked. Kousaku’s classmates are kind and supportive; they help him learn new things and make new friends. Kousaku finds himself enjoying school more than ever before; he feels like he can finally put his problems behind him and focus on the future.

Kousaka learns that his favorite idol, Ringo Kinoshita, has transferred into his class under the alias Ringo Kinoshita. With the support of his friends and teachers, Kousaka plans to get close to Ringo in hopes of winning her over. Unbeknownst to Kousaka, he’ll discover why Ringo decided to leave her fame and popularity behind. ..

No-Rin is an anime with a heartwarming and cozy atmosphere. The relationship that blossoms between Kousaka and Ringo are charming. They’ll take part in numerous scenarios depicting them in funny manners. This is a series that beautifully tells the story of what it means to follow your passion, even if others may disagree with your decisions. ..

Flying Witch

Flying Witch is a great show for those looking for a more laid-back anime experience. It has a cosy atmosphere and likable cast that makes it a great choice for those looking for something to relax and enjoy. ..

Flying Witch is a coming-of-age story about Makoto Kowata, a witch who leaves her parents’ home to seek knowledge and training. She’s accompanied by her feline companion, Chito, as they head for Aomori, which is rumored to be a favorable location for witches because of its natural setting and affinity with magic. They arrive at Makoto’s second cousin’s household and decide to live with them, as their new journey begins. ..

This anime is a heartwarming love letter to nature and magic. You’ll find Makoto getting into wacky scenarios involving anthropomorphic individuals to mundane citizens. The activities also vary from simple activities like gardening and harvesting to Makoto utilizing magic to solve problems. Makoto and the others also get a fair bit of screen time, allowing viewers to attach themselves to these characters.

Flying Witch is a show that is perfect for those looking for a relaxing show to watch. It has a great story line and the characters are likable. ..


Ox-Tales is a quirky anime that’s different from the others on this list. With its retro cartoon-like art style, animalistic protagonists, and simple plot, Ox-Tales is an entertaining anime full of hilarity, charm, and agricultural elements.

This anime is about a kind-hearted ox named Olly, who happens to be a farmer. While you’ll see him performing typical farm activities like harvesting crops, taking care of wildlife, and managing his supply chain, you can expect him to engage in conversation with his colorful critters too.

Olly is a silly anime with a simple premise. Each episode offers something new for the viewer to experience. Whether it’s chatting with a turtle with a built-in television under his shell or competing with a bald lion, you can expect many whimsical scenarios to take place at his barn. ..

This anime is perfect for children and there’s little violence to be found. While adults may find some of the jokes funny, most of them feel more akin to childish humor. If you’re looking for an easy farming anime to watch, Ox-Tales is a great choice.

Wolf Children

While Ox-Tales felt tailored made to children, Wolf Children is the opposite. This is an anime made for young adults and parental figures. It highlights the struggles and hardships that stem from single-parent households. Our tale follows a girl named Hana, who falls for a mysterious werewolf named Ookami.

Two adults, Ame and Yuki, have children named Ame and Yuki. They live happily until Hana discovers Ookami’s lifeless body on the sidewalk. Although she desperately tries to revive him, her efforts were futile. Ookami’s death places a new burden upon Hana’s shoulders, forcing her to move to the countryside with her hybrid children to protect them from harm. ..

The anime Wolf Children focuses on three young girls who live in the countryside. Hana, Ame, and Yuki are the main characters and their daily lives are filled with drama and heartache. The anime is full of heart-wrenching scenes that will leave viewers crying. The kids in the anime are likable and will develop over time into interesting personalities.

Wolf Children is an anime that tackles the challenges of raising children in a single-parent household. ..

Only Yesterday

Only Yesterday is an anime film that has been underrated for a while. It’s an incredible story with well-written characters and a beautiful world that many people may not have heard of. If you’re interested in checking it out, make sure to do so because it’s definitely worth your time.

Taeko Okajima, an independent 27-year-old, travels to the countryside to visit her family and help them with their harvesting issues. While aboard a train, Taeko recalls memories of her past life as a school girl. When she reaches her destination, Taeko meets a young farmer named Toshio.

Taeko is picked up at the station by her friend, who takes her to the farm. There, Taeko forms new relationships with family and friends, as well as learning about the differences between urban and rural life. She also discovers the happiness and hardships that come with farming.

Only Yesterday is a thought-provoking anime that throws viewers off by implementing heavy-hitting and emotional sequences. It showcases Taeko’s blindness to rural life and how difficult farming can be. This anime is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning more about life in the countryside! ..

  1. Cowboy Bebop
  2. Attack on Titan
  3. Naruto
  4. One Piece
  5. Sword Art Online

Our picks for the best summer reads are just the beginning! Let us know in the comments below what books you’re looking forward to reading this season. ..

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