Animal Instincts

In Episode 5 of The Great Season 2, Peter sends Catherine a sculpture of her that is made out of butter. ..

The former emperor brags to his friends about how he has grown closer to the empress and how frustrated he is that his focus is on his love for her and not on unseating her.

Elizabeth is more perceptive than Peter when it comes to Catherine though. She convinces him that he must win her heart and not only her body.

Catherine tries to introduce new ideas to the court by having scientists and philosophers give speeches. The nobles aren’t much interested in science though. That is, until they discover a crocodile roaming loose in the palace. Everyone believes the creature to be a winged dragon or demon. Many think it’s a bad omen for the direction Catherine is taking Russia. ..

Catherine learns that the Ottoman Ambassador arrived home without his head. Velementov believes that the Ottomans did it themselves to justify a war. He urges the Empress to let him run war like his own business. She basically tells him to shut up and let her handle things her own way. ..

She continues to see Peter, and he tries to seem more interesting to her by reading books and making Galilean planets for their child.

Orlo, despite his prior inability to enjoy sex with women or men, finds himself easily flirting with the school teacher again.

Catherine believes that she can sway the people that the animal isn’t an omen. She asks Father Basil to stand with her.

The plan backfires because Basil tells everyone that it could still be an omen and Archie says that it could be just a crocodile. The Patriarch decides to investigate and finds out that the empress is destroying Russia.

Archie reveals to Catherine that he obtained the crocodile from a missionary. He blackmails her. She must do three things: Get rid of Basil, make Russia a one-church country, and come to know God. Only then will he put the court’s mind at ease.

Catherine asks Peter for help in capturing a reptile, but he pretends not to see it in order to spend more time with his wife. ..

When he tells Catherine he will always be there for her and their child, she is strangely enough convinced. His plan to charm her seems to be working.

Catherine goes with Archie to meet God. They take hallucinogens and while Catherine does not see God, she does see light and feels the presence of love. She and Archie recognize their differences, but also see common goals. They agree to work together, discovering a newfound respect for each other.

Velementov apologizes to Catherine for his reaction to her hesitancy to go to war. He admits that this war feels like his fate. The empress, however, believes she can bring him a new fate. Their disagreement remains unresolved.

Catherine Cooks up a Scientific Plan to Catch the Crocodile, Involving Mice and Poison. She and Archie Present the Creature to the Court Together. ..

The crocodile is an omen representing what they face to change Russia. Catherine proclaims a victory for reason and science. She says they should not kill the animal, but kill the idea it represents, and everyone cheers.

The crocodile wakes up right then, and decides to take some stabs.

That night, Catherine tells Peter about the animal’s death. He makes her laugh and persuades her to dance with him. For a brief moment, they enjoy themselves—before she abruptly steps away. ..

The Episode Review

A group of tourists from the United States were out enjoying their day at the Kruger National Park when they came across a crocodile sunning itself on a rock. The tourists got so excited that they started taking pictures and video of the crocodile. The crocodile seemed to enjoy their company, wagging its tail and swimming around in the water. ..

The conflict between Velementov and Catherine is a bit tired, so I hope the next episode decides to deal with their issues head-on.

Orlo’s flirtation with the school teacher is a minor subplot, but one I found interesting. I think the show writers may be implying that Orlo is demisexual. That’s not something I’ve ever seen explored in media, so I really look forward to seeing how his sexuality is portrayed throughout the rest of the show.

The episode was well-done in terms of its themes and plot. The development between Catherine and Peter was well-done, and the chemistry between the two characters was clear to see. The only issue I had with the episode was that it didn’t explore enough of their relationship’s potential problems.

Catherine the Great, ruler of Russia from 1762 to 1796, was known for her efforts to modernize her country and interest people in science and reason. I was not expecting a willing partnership between Catherine and the Patriarch to this end, but it makes so much sense in this context. ..

Catherine’s reign has been marked by both victory and tension. While her connection to Peter may give her an advantage, she may be forced into war if she doesn’t maintain control. ..