“I said, I said” She testified that she said what she said.

The girls are trying to get the printer out of the elevator and onto the ground floor, but they are having a hard time getting it out. They eventually succeed and sneak away with the printer.

The girls try to get the keys to the service elevator but as the penthouse is not under their name and Tryst didn’t register it under his name, their plan is thwarted. This forces them to come up with a new plan to move their things. The girls decide that they should throw a party as a cover to relocate their equipment. ..

Zoe and her friends were having a party at the penthouse main elevator when Clem showed up. He was starting to piece the puzzle together and confronted Zoe to tell him the truth. Zoe was surprised by Clem’s appearance and didn’t know what to say. She was afraid that he would tell her the truth about her relationship with Matt.

Zoe tells Clem everything that happened at the party. As they talk, the police raid the party. Becca runs to hide in the toilet and gives her dad a call. She asks him to get her a lawyer and her dad asks if she is at the penthouse. Did he know Becca is making fake IDs? How did he know about the penthouse? Becca asks him but he doesn’t answer, there is no time as the police barge into the toilet and arrest her.

Tryst is telling the girls about her meeting with the boss and how she is feeling about it. She is excited to be able to meet the quota and says that she will do her best. The girls are all excited to hear this and they are getting ready to order their dinner. Tryst is telling them about her meeting with the boss and how she is feeling about it.

Guy confronts him about the fake IDs and demands to know why he didn’t tell him about the girls. Tryst tells him that he was afraid that Guy would tell the girls and they would get in trouble. Guy is angry and tells Tryst that he doesn’t want to hear any excuses. He wants to know what reason Tryst could have had for lying to him. Tryst tells him that he was worried about how the girls would react if they found out about his relationship with her.

Guy decides to break only one of Tryst’s fingers and pivot their business relationship by letting him put some finishing touches on a “shipment”. He is convinced as the IDs are really good, Tryst can manage to make the labeling on the brands look real. That was when Tryst confronted the girls at the penthouse and tried to kick them out.

Guy has been bankrolling the girls’ expansion, but he wants to know who they are. Tryst tries to protect them, but Guy is insistent on meeting them in person. ..

Guy tries to protect himself and the girls from a criminal activity by calling 911. This leads to the police raid at Zoe and Becca’s party.

Zoe and Becca are in police custody and are worried about what will happen but Zoe is positive it will be okay. The mysterious lady who was at the penthouse with Tryst shows up. She is dressed as a police officer and takes custody of the girls. She takes them to meet Guy in some dark alley in his limo.

In Fakes, season 1 ends with a cliffhanger. We don’t know what will happen next, but it seems like the showrunners are planning on continuing the story.

Guy reveals he has been bankrolling their business. He offers the girls three states of the art printers and $100,000. The girls are hesitant to take his offer at first, but after some convincing from Guy, they decide to take it. Tryst is still tied up and his face covered, but he keeps trying to get the attention of the girls. ..

Guy tells the girls that he is in charge and they all get into a fight. Becca tries to calm things down and Guy tells her that he will take care of Tryst.

The Episode Review

The finale of “The Bold Type” left many fans disappointed. The stakes were not raised until the last moment, and the ending was a bit disappointing. It is clear that Guy wants one of the girls to take the gun and shoot Tryst, but are the girls willing to go that far for the business? ..

Making fake IDs is illegal, but murder is a whole new level of illegal with even bigger repercussions. Based on the ending, we might be getting a season 2 and we in doing so, will see the fate of Tryst. Fingers crossed on that front!