We’re All Mad Here

Episode 7 of You Season 3 begins two days after the sprinkler romance and Marienne is not messaging Joe. In that time though, Love winds up flirtatiously messaging Theo and even takes her top off for him, showing off a lacy bra from outside the window. ..

Joe is not stupid, he knows what’s going on. However, this game is one he’s willing to play in order to get closer to Marienne. She doesn’t feel the same way though, given the sticky situation with Ryan.

Joe is trying to keep his cool at the library, but he’s having trouble with his daughter and son-in-law dropping off their daughter. This is a problem for Joe because he needs to take care of Henry, but he also has to be careful about how he handles the situation.

Joe is determined to get to the bottom of Ryan’s mysterious past. He starts by digging into Ryan’s hobbies and lifestyle choices, which leads him to his addictive past. This revelation causes Joe to reconsider his support for Ryan, and he makes a sizable donation to the library in order to further investigate. ..

Joe, a former friend of Ryan’s, breaks into his home and begins drugging him with Adderall and OxyContin in order to get him high and disrupt his work life. But Joe also deliberately sabotages his alarm system and car. It appears as if this is one step closer to Ryan hitting rock bottom. ..

Theo and Love continue to work together, convincing Matthew to do their bidding for the time being. However, things are starting to get a bit too complicated back at Theo’s house. Matthew has become obsessed with solving the murder of Natalie and is not in a good way. He’s run down, has plenty of security footage set up but wants facial recognition tech to narrow down the people he’s after. Those people, of course, are Love and Joe. They even bring a detective onboard too, trying to convince them that it’ll be worth it to solve Natalie’s murder.

Anyway, that evening Joe and Marienne both show up at the party where the latter finds herself unable to take her eyes off Joe’s outfit. Given how amazing he’s decorated the library, Marienne’s night turns from beautiful to ugly when Joe and Love get talking. Unfortunately Matthew also shows up too, although it’s at this point that Joe realizes he’s been played. Matthew has been high as a kite and dosed up all this time, he was never actually sober. That’s why Joe’s spiked dosage is so ineffective. ..

Matthew soon confronts Joe, revealing that he’s smarter than he looks and warns him to stay away from Marienne. He also questions correctly that this all stems from Marienne in some way. However, the pair are soon torn away from their argument by Dottie, going on a drunken joyride with Henry for company. ..

Joe and Dottie are driving to a rehab center in the morning when Dottie brings up the possibility that Love could have killed her first husband. Joe is hesitant to believe this, but decides to go along with it. Once they arrive at the center, Dottie tells Joe that she thinks Love did it. Joe is shocked and decides to take his own life in order to protect himself from Love.

Joe is guarded, but Love manages to surprise him with talk of an open marriage and even sleeping with Sherry and Cary, claiming it would be a “good hack” to supercharge their marriage. ..

Matthew and Madre Linda leave the restaurant together, unaware that he has hired a facial recognition expert to work through all of her CCTV footage. Their next target? Love and Joe. ..

The Episode Review

The season has been focusing on the marital issues between Joe and Love. This has come to light in recent episodes, as the show has slowed down its pace. ..

The showrunners could have done a better job of focusing on the main characters and their story. Without that focus, the show feels like it’s just going through the motions.

The showrunners have decided to break the mold and go for a more standalone approach this season, which I think is a great decision. The previous two seasons were very connected and felt like a cohesive unit, but this season feels like it’s just one big adventure. This makes for an exciting and unique experience that I can’t wait to see continue.

In the first season, Joe stalked and chased Beck in order to learn more about her. In the second season, Candace came into the fray and Joe tried to win Love over. However, Candace was more insane than him and he was forced to go on the run.

The season 3 finale of “You” was a little lackluster in comparison to the previous two installments. It seemed like the writers were trying to go too fast with the story and didn’t have enough time to develop the characters. Can they continue this trend and make the later chapters more exciting? If so, it would be a great addition to the show.