Ghosts at the Feast

Poppy continues her podcast in episode 2 of Truth Be Told Season 2. She calls out the San Francisco Police Department for ignoring evidence and she plans to unveil it all on her show. ..

Poppy and the gang are back at home, but they’re not feeling so good. Lillian is really upset and she doesn’t want to go out. Poppy tells her that they’re all in this together and that they’ll get through this together.

Joshua’s funeral goes ahead, with Micah speaking up and saying her piece. Poppy watches from the back, as a woman named Ruth shows and offers to take her grief. Micah decides to show her to one of their recovery rooms as the others debate whether there’s a deeper meaning to all this.

Ruth is driving home from work when she notices that her car has been smashed in. She’s not sure who did it, but she’s sure that someone is following her. As she drives away, she sees an ominous figure waiting by the side of a van.

After learning more about Joshua’s past, Poppy continues to question why he would cheat on her and why he has been known to be a serial cheater. She grows distant from him and does not listen when he excuses his behaviour with excuses about “road treats.”

By the end of the night, Micah was completely nonchalant to what Joshua was doing – even if he was in love. Micah held out hope that Joshua would come back to her one day.

Drew Turney was killed in a car accident, and Poppy shows up at his funeral to pay her respects. She also notices Ramon sniffing around.

Following him, Poppy uncovers pictures of Drew and Joshua together that he holds in his possession. Some of these also seem to point toward Drew as a photography model. But it goes deeper than that. In fact, Poppy believes – thanks to genetic markers and likeness – that they could well be father and son.

When Micah finds out she silently walks out to stage for her live broadcast for Shelter, she is nervous. With the police still not reopening the case, she speaks her piece.

In a shocking turn of events, Micah reveals everything about Joshua to the world. Including his ties to Drew, which has left her in a state of complete shock. With the feed cut off and Poppy taking her away, she is left alone and vulnerable.

Cydie finishes her shift at work and is relieved when the last man on the bus is finally gone. She then reports this to her supervisor and goes home.

Poppy receives a note at her place that says she has been served with a lawsuit from Lana Cave for the wrongful death of Warren Cave. ..

The Episode Review

This week’s Truth Be Told episode slows down a bit, revealing that Drew may have been lied to about his parentage. This is a nice touch, but it’s also something forensics would have picked up on. Still, we’ll have to wait and see how this show handles this information. ..

It seems like the Sons of Ivar could be involved in this case based on what we’ve learned so far. Josh and Drew were standing together in a photo, and it seems like they may have been taking on a militant pose. This could tie into the information we’ve received about the Sons of Ivar.

The poppy family’s woes continue as well, with Herbie ill and seemingly on course for some memory loss in the near future. Beyond this though there’s very little to cling to this episode. Hopefully next week’s chapter picks up the pace a bit.