Brick by Brick It Also Falls

Episode 9 of Truth Be Told Season 2 begins with Micah heading into the hospital to check up on Rose. It’s late at night, and she’s alone. Sitting on the end of the bed, Rose wakes up and implores Micah to tell the truth and admit she’s wrong. Instead, Micah deflects back and encourages her to play ball, showing an old trinket from the past. ..

Rose rings Poppy later that day, confirming she’s been discharged. Poppy heads in and speaks to Rose, who confirms that one of the men involved with the Sons of Ivar threatened Josh that night.

Martin Haywood, a SFPD officer until a few weeks back, was actually planted by Aames in the Sons of Ivar as an undercover cop. However, he got too deep and lost his marriage in the process.

Poppy turns to her old friend, Aames, for help in investigating the murder of Josh. Poppy has an ironclad alibi for the night of the murders and is sure that her old friend, Aames, is not responsible. However, given Aames’ history of mental illness and his current state of instability, Poppy asks Aames if he might be capable of committing such a heinous crime. ..

Micah arrives at Shelter and learns that Ivy has usurped her and changed the date of the board meeting. When Micah confronts Ivy about it, the former decides to fight her (despite saying she’s not) over whose loyalty the workers will side with. Ivy warns her not to do this but Micah presses ahead nonetheless, calling a conference and ousting Ivy in front of everyone, telling her she needs to start the talk. Unfortunately it all goes awry as the people decide they much prefer Micah.

After Poppy’s confession at the end of the last episode, she sits with her family at the bar and reveals that she was a victim of child abuse. She doesn’t blame anyone outright, although Leander originally telling her not to cry as a child makes him believe he’s partly to blame. ..

Drea turns up at the bar that night, and it’s a relief! She’s been missing for half the season, and we finally have some closure on this subplot.

Poppy is still talking to Micah even though she knows he killed Josh. She’s worried that he might be the one who killed him.

“Do you believe in Micah?” Poppy asks, her voice low and serious. “Do you think she’s capable of doing what they say she did?”

Poppy and Demetrius agree to a settlement, in which Poppy will allow her family to get the closure they deserve and be done with this. This comes off the back of speaking to Leander, closing out old wounds surrounding her parentage. After discussing their past, Poppy accepts that Leander is her father, despite not being blood-related.

That evening, Poppy heads back to the bar but is cornered by Martin Haywood. As he grabs Poppy and holds her against the bar, Leander suddenly comes flying through the door and stabs the man twice, once in the back and another in the gut. ..

As Haywood collapses on the floor in a heap, Leander holds his daughter and reassures her, telling her everything will be okay.

The Episode Review

The Sons of Ivar have been revealed to be more connected to the murder mystery on Truth Be Told. It seems like they are using their connection to help solve the case, but one would assume this is a way of crowbarring the crooked cop subplot into the murder mystery story being woven through the show.

While “Shelter” has done a good job of exploring its characters and their relationships, the show’s recent storylines have felt insignificant and resolved too quickly. Ivy taking over as head of Shelter feels like a minor plot point that is resolved without much dramatic tension. Additionally, Drea’s disappearance has been unresolved for far too long and her return feels anticlimactic. ..

The series has been highlighting how weak the storytelling has been, and that’s a shame because there’s definitely potential here but it’s unfortunately squandered in the wake of such a tepid story. Still, the finale is up next so hopefully that can deliver one final hoorah before we bow out.