
Detective Aames is questioning Poppy and Markus about breaking into Holt’s house. They both deny any involvement, but Detective Aames is not convinced. He asks them to provide him with evidence, and they reluctantly do. If they mess up again though, Aames won’t be able to take the fall.

Aames and Poppy search for Rose as Micah watches. They learn about LPS and how it’s ravaged a whole host of people across the US.

The three people affected by the Warren case are Micah, Rose and Holt. Poppy speaks on her podcast about all of this, wondering if Rose is the weak link in this. Given the lawyers for the Warren case are still on the hunt though, Noa warns Poppy to watch what she says after, especially as they’ll be out for blood and will pounce on a single mistake.

Meanwhile, Demetrius continues to deteriorate, with his memory loss becoming worse after a meeting with his therapist. There’s some other subplots simmering around the bar too but to be honest, there’s really not a lot worth writing home about.

The book’s focus is on Micah and his search for Rose, but the missing girl’s name is not mentioned. This may be because Micah is hiding something important about her.

Poppy decides to listen to Micah’s audiobook in the meantime, which is narrated by Micah herself. Specifically, the chapter in question is about a club called The Sapphire. As Micah discusses a physical altercation she had, Poppy wanders around the club, trying to imagine what really took place. However, she’s snapped out of her entranced state by a call. It turns out Rose is still in the Bay area but they don’t have much time to catch her before she leaves. ..

Poppy and Markus walk through a makeshift homeless community huddled together. Poppy is understandably wary of Markus and talks to him alone.

It has been revealed that Micah stole Rose’s memories and all the events in the book were actually her experiences. This explains why Rose is not mentioned once in the book and how Micah is so nonchalant after all these years. It also confirms that the attack at The Sapphire was actually Rose’s experience. ..

In the middle of this revelation, Holt shows up and rings the fire alarm. Given that he’s working with Micah, it serves as the perfect distraction for Poppy to drop her recorder in the chaos as Holt shoots Rose dead.

Markus tackles Holt to the ground, but officers show up and believe Markus to be the one responsible, arresting him after shooting the man in the leg. Now it turns out Holt attacked because of Ivy, who handed over money to him in the parking lot earlier in the episode.

Micah is upset when she finds out that her relationship with Poppy is what’s causing all the problems in her life. She decides to end things with Poppy and focus on her own happiness. ..

The Episode Review

The first season of Truth Be Told was okay, but this second season has just been really weak and meandering. The actual murder mystery isn’t that interesting, and all these subplots feel shoehorned in to try and pad out the run-time.

With Rose used as the red herring (which most crime drama aficionados would have probably seen coming a mile off) it would seem like Holt and Micah are responsible for killing Josh. Who else could it be?

The feud between Micah and Poppy has been lackluster so far, and the show has struggled to provide a compelling reason for renewing it. ..

With only three episodes remaining in the season, it’s unclear how much more viewers will be able to take before giving up on the story. This could have been better released as a complete season instead. ..