Riko, feeling defeated, begs Vueko to tell her about a way to save Nanachi from Belaf. Before she can answer, a weird sharpened object pierces a nearby structure. This alerts Vueko that the Luring has begun. They all follow Vueko to a nearby porch and stare down at a terrifying sight. ..

It seems a monster has infiltrated Iruburu as the villagers desperately try to take it down. Vueko explains what’s going on to Riko. Apparently, the Luring involves Iruburu’s residents luring a creature from the outside to increase Iruburu’s village’s total value and enrich it. Riko watches as most of the residents get brutally harmed by the beast and fail to defeat it. ..

Riko has had enough of its antics when it sees it head toward Prushka’s location. Riko decides to leave her worries for Nanachi behind to save Prushka from doom as Majikaja, Vueko, and Maa follow behind her. Thankfully, they reach crab-like Hollow’s jeweler shop, and Riko demands that he give Prushka back to her. We also find out that its name is Poriyoon from Majikaja.

Poriyoon complies and hands Prushka over to Riko. Poriyoon confirms that it has finished working on Prushka’s improvements but couldn’t bring out her value more than it has. Although Riko worries about Poriyoon’s safety, Majikaja states that Poriyoon is the workshop itself. Essentially, he’s forcefully bound to stay in this environment and cannot move.

Poriyoon valiantly defends his workshop from the liquid monster, but is ultimately destroyed. Majikaja confirms that he has seen the creature before- a small creature that underwent a lot of balancing of values but escaped the village before being decimated. It has now acquired a taste for Hollows and will continue to do so until it is stopped. ..

Juroimoh’s sword is ineffective in a crowded environment.

Riko asks Majikaja why the other Sages aren’t assisting Juroimoh with the fight. Unless the membrane of the village is affected, Majikaja tells Riko that the other Sages won’t appear. He confirms that Juroimoh likes to tackle creatures on his own.

Meanwhile, the diner shop worker from the last episode approaches Riko and startsles her. She confirms that her name is Moogie. Riko’s bewildered to find Moogie wandering about and asks him why she’s not hiding somewhere. Moogie tells Riko that she values the market like a loved one and shows Riko how the other residents feel the same as her.

Juroimoh is struggling against the monster, but it seems to be using its liquid abilities to avoid Juroimoh’s attacks. Riko has a plan to use the monster’s wind powers against it. They all head to a different location and leave Vueko behind.

Meanwhile, Juroimoh loses to the monster, and Vueko signals to Riko that it’s heading for the market with a flare-like device. Maa alerts Riko of the news as she’s preparing for her big plan to capture the monster. We also get to see Majikaja take on a new agile form. He’s encouraged to do so after receiving a chunk of Riko’s hair as a value offering.

Riko uses Majikaja as bait to lure the liquid monster. They then have an exhilarating chase sequence involving Riko, Majikaja, and the liquid monster. They lead the monster to a mist-like substance and jump through the misty portal. The monster doesn’t proceed as he’s confused by his own reflection in the mist. ..

Residents of the town light a signal fire and distract the monster while others drop a net on it, causing it to float into the net. They then use large silver pickaxes and wooden pillars to keep the beast tied to the ground. ..

Residents swarm Riko in victorious hugs and pats on the head after she comes up with a plan to defeat the monster, Oogasumi. Moogie walks over to confront Riko regarding her marvellous plan, but Riko explains it to her and grants the monster its name. Oogasumi is defeated after being hit by a water balloon filled with vinegar. ..

Riko warns everyone to run as the monster begins to attack them. Before it can attack her, Maa jumps in front of Riko to save her from its clutches. Seeing the residents – and Maa – cry in pain causes Riko to cry out.

Riko feels a presence near her and uses her White Whistle to free residents from the grip of Oogasumi.

Reg has received a new look that coincides with the colour of Prushka’s new white whistle look. Reg confirms that he heard Riko’s call after she blew the whistle. Before Reg would strike a mighty blow to Oogasumi, Wazukyan arrives. This causes everyone to stop what they’re doing, including Oogasumi. Reg also loses his white-armored color palette and receives his iconic colors back. ..

Wazukyan informs Riko and Reg that Fuzosheppu (Oogasumi’s name) is dead and was a nest of monsters that formed into one powerful entity. After sharing those details, Riko asks Wazukyan if he knows a way for them to get Nanachi back. Wazukyan explains that trading Belaf any of Faputa’s parts will be enough to convince him. He leaves them with the thought as Vueko shares some remarks about Wazukyan’s odd composure. ..

We transition to a new location. Riko fills Reg in on the details regarding Nanachi, Belaf, and the value she needs to attain to get her and Mitty back from him. Reg confirms that he wants to meet with Faputa again. He departs. Once Reg leaves, Riko asks Vueko about Faputa. She reiterates what others have said about her being the embodiment of value. However, she mentions that Faputa is a treasure that many fear.

Before she could explain further, Moogie stops Vueko mid-conversation and questions her about her existence. This is because she and Majikaja have never seen Vueko before. Before Riko explains everything, Vueko stops her. Vueko informs them about herself, the Ganja, and that she was once a part of the Three Sages–before Majikaja and Moogie’s time. ..

Vueko also shares some insight about Faputa. She admits that she’s never seen Faputa, but she knows Faputa’s desires. She theorizes that time in Iruburu functions differently from the outside world, and she argues that Reg is possibly a former resident of the Golden City. The episode wraps up with one final inner monologue from Vueko discussing her former friend Irumyuui’s desires, memories, and existence while in an egg-like state.

The Episode Review

The sixth episode of Made In Abyss’s second season was one of the best in terms of animation, soundtrack, and intensity. It also gave Riko time to shine regarding her incredible cave-raiding intellect and formidable prowess. She’s not the daughter of a famed White Whistle for nothing. ..

Reg and Nanachi are great characters, but it’s great to see Riko get some much-needed time in the spotlight. She always takes the back seat regarding action-centric situations, because she doesn’t have brute strength or endurance like Reg does. ..

This episode challenged Riko to fight a battle without Reg’s help. It’s a thought-provoking and strategic fight against Fuzosheppu, despite being saved by Reg near the end. I love it when this anime depicts characters like Riko outwitting powerful monstrosities like Fuzosheppu. It shows they’ll need more than brawn to survive in the abyss.

I loved seeing the residents working together to stop an outside threat. It reminds me of Wazukyan’s quote about how some residents are not all bad. This quote made me appreciate Maa’s sacrificial scene immensely. It shows how his character has come a long way from the greedy, thieving Hollow we saw in episode two. ..

The only nitpick I have with this episode is that it feels a little too convenient for Reg to get a power boost just as the show returns to its roots with regards to White Whistles. I would’ve preferred a short scene where Ozen explains the relic’s connection to White Whistles, as that would make Reg’s new form feel more plot-convenient.

In episode seven, Vueko is expected to share information about Iruburu’s past and Faputa’s origins. Reg is also expected to try and convince Faputa to spare one of her organs or body parts. ..