Small World

In the third episode of Locke and Key Season 2, 23 years ago, Erin was found unconscious in Keyhouse. The housekeeper tried to wake her, but when she did, the key fell out of her neck. This explains why she’s been subdued all this time. ..

Kinsey and Tyler are hesitant to give up the keys, but Erin is adamant. She warns them of the dangers they face if they don’t hand them over. The kids are hesitant at first, but Erin is persistent and they eventually give in. They’re worried about what will happen next, but Erin assures them that she’s been through this before and she’ll be fine.

Bode finds a key that doesn’t seem to open any of the locks in the house. Or does it? When he finds the old dollhouse during his playdate with Jamie, it appears this key actually works on the front door.

As the lights turn on, Bode watches as it appears the dollhouse shows what everyone is doing in real-time. When Nina finds out about this miniature (minus the magic powers of course), alarm bells ring. Josh claims he picked it up from an antique store and even encourages Nina to take it with her. Nina decides not to but as she and Bode walk away, Josh’s expression seems to hint at something more sinister going on.

In Keyhouse, Tyler learns from Erin that the Keepers of the Keys actually made a key to help them retain their memories. She doesn’t divulge much more than that, telling him to drop it.

When Bode heads back, he notices that his bed is broken and the wardrobe knocked over; the effects of him messing around with the dollhouse. Now, it would appear that whatever happens to the dollhouse also happens inside Keyhouse. So who else is betting that rat skull is a result of someone dropping a mouse inside the house? Kinsey and Tyler certainly think so when they discuss it later in the episode.

Gabe has been trying to win over Kinsey, who is very clearly smitten with Scot. However, Scot is going through the motions, having trouble getting his creative juices flowing on his script. So naturally Eden uses one of the keys to force Scot into knocking out Gabe after he asks about the film.

Kinsey is not convinced though and asks Duncan to check in her room for the key. Gabe is wise to Kinsey’s suspicions and tasks Eden with putting the music box and the key back in her room.

Eden has had to return to the cabin after dropping off the Anywhere Key. When Gabe finds out, he’s initially annoyed but soon calms when he realizes he doesn’t need it.

The spider has crawled into the dollhouse and is now living inside. Bode and Tyler are both out of their rooms and don’t know what to do. The spider is quickly spreading cobwebs all over the house, so they need to get rid of it before it spreads any more damage.

The gang finds themselves contending with a giant spider in the kitchen. When they grab Erin and pull her into the kitchen, she realizes this stems from the Small World key. With Duncan joining and the quartet trapped, Bode rings Jamie and manages to enlist her help to bring the spider out. ..

Erin and Duncan go to the kids’ room to talk to them about what happened. It turns out that Rendell became obsessed with opening the black door, and when he did, he stumbled upon strange lead pieces. One hit Lucas and turned him into a maniacal demon. The rest of the lead pieces are presumably with Gabe.

Duncan is the one who can create the keys, but he’s lost his memories. Erin has a plan though. She intends to use a new key to bring his memories back.

The Episode Review

With more details of the past exuded and Gabe’s true purpose appearing to be linked to this dark portal, Locke and Key is just starting to ramp up the tension. Things are getting much more interesting now, with the Small World key and the giant spider working well to inject some much-needed action into this series.

Locke and Key is a series that has been around for years, and it still holds up well. The love triangle is still there, but the angst from the kids is replaced by the excitement of fantasy again.

Josh and Nina’s bowling outing is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things, although it could well be that Josh has a bigger purpose to play in all this. We shall see. ..

In the meantime, the search for Duncan’s memories is ongoing and quite what this means for our ensemble is anyone’s guess.