Sky Blue

Regina begins her rap by saying that she is tired of being a maid and not being able to do anything. She wants to go back to her old life, before Alex was taken away. Regina then talks about how she misses him and how she wishes he were here with her. She also says that she doesn’t want Sean to get the journal, feeling like it would only make things worse. Finally, Regina asks for Alex’s journal back and refuses to give it to Sean if he doesn’t have his own back. She feels like something is wrong with him and doesn’t want anyone else getting access to it.

Alex is silent and dismissive though, as Sean takes the journal and shuts the door in Regina’s face. When Alex quizzes him over the book, Sean calls her crazy and belittles both her and Maddy, continuing to control this woman’s life.

Sean is drinking again and is abusing Alex by hiding out in Maddy’s room every night to avoid his violent rage. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Hank comes over for dinner from time to time. This cycle of drinking and sexual abuse continues, escalating in Sean bringing a girl home to have sex with. ..

Sean gets fired from his job for being drunk and Alex tries questioning him about this, but he throws a cup at her head - narrowly missing her - and takes off in the car with Maddy hiding in the cupboard. ..

Alex can’t help but think of Paula and the way she died. She never wanted her daughter to go through that, and now she’s experiencing it firsthand. ..

Alex leaves with her daughter, Regina, and Denise to the DV center. Regina offers to drive Alex and her daughter there, but Alex realizes that she doesn’t have her phone. She asks Denise if she can borrow hers, and Denise says she can’t because she’s working. Alex thanks her before leaving with her daughter and Regina.

Maddy is encouraged to get involved in an arts and crafts gig while Alex follows Denise to their very own makeshift shop. Alex is encouraged to pick out some clothes, in a room that’s been transformed into a haven for these women getting back to feeling like themselves. It’s overwhelming for Alex though, who struggles to adjust to this new normal. Thanks to Denise though, she manages to bag herself a refurbished phone.

Alex actually rings Regina, who invites her out for lunch. Regina admits she’s read Alex’s journal and all the intimate secrets within. Now, as Alex has read the whole thing, she’s dead-set that Regina should take up her scholarship. When she mentions Sean, Regina vehemently tells her not to mention him and goes on to reveal she has a colleague who’s a f*cking beast when it comes to family law. ..

Depression comes in many shapes and sizes. In the middle of all this drama, someone answers Alex’s ad and invites her in to help. She shows up at her first job to find a woman who suffers from compulsive hoarding. The place is piled up with trinkets, books, CDs and all manner of junk – and she has 3 kids living in this too. It’s tough going, but it opens doors for Alex to make a name for herself. ..

Thanks to her hard work and clearing out all these different houses, Alex is able to get herself a new car – including the cassette player with that “Shoop” song Maddy loves.

With things looking up, Alex speaks to Regina’s recommended family lawyer, Tara, who gives her some solid advice to get outside Sean’s grip. If he refuses to sign, things could get ugly. Mostly for him though, if this lawyer’s suggestions are anything to go by.

Alex and Maddy show up to see Sean, intending to give him the papers themselves. En-route though, they find Paula who’s cold toward her and currently working on the market with a new guy in her life called Micah. She refuses to speak openly with Alex, believing she’s the reason that she was put in care.

Alex heads over to Sean and hands him the forms and a notice of relocation. Just like Sean served her with that notice early on in the season, Alex urges him to sign his forms. Sean is convinced that things will work in his favour, refusing to sign and deciding to see her in court. “You will never, ever, ever control me ever again,” Alex promises, teary-eyed, as Sean walks out.

Alex finally speaks to Paula properly that evening, telling her about Montana and her plans for the future. She tells Alex she can’t be prouder and chuckles, claiming bragging rights for her going to college. As the two part ways, Alex watches, heartbroken, as she realizes Paula is sleeping and living in her car, having lost everything.

The Episode Review

The penultimate episode of “Maid” was perhaps one of the strongest; a cathartic release of all that pent-up anxiety, depression and anger that Alex has been feeling but channeled in a completely productive way. ..

Alex, a recent high school graduate, is determined to get ahead in life. She’s been working as a janitor to help pay for her education, and she’s found that her cleaning skills are in high demand. Alex is excited to see what opportunities open up for her as she continues to work hard and pursue her dreams. ..

Alex declutters her houses to show how she’s feeling about Sean and what’s happened in her past. This builds up to a satisfying and very-welcome moment where Alex confronts Sean and gives him his notice.

The Promise: Alex will never control her again The words make it difficult not to get emotional.

Maid is a powerful show that will resonate with anyone who has experienced poverty or abuse. We’ll have to wait and see if everything is wrapped up in a satisfying way by the end.