The Three Brothers of Shadow Stream are a powerful and mysterious family that has been living in the shadows for centuries. They are experts in dark magic and have a strong connection to the dark side of the Force. Their family is known for their powerful magic and their ability to control the darkness.

In this episode of The Daily Life of the Immortal King, the assassins get their comeuppance from the leader of the Shadow Faction. New members of the gang are deployed.

Sun Rong, the Social Faction leader, is tracked by Wang Ling, who believes he is harmless. Guo Hao and Chen Chao are keen to hear about Wang Ling’s date with Sun Rong and notice her large group of bodyguards. ..

Wang Ling, the administrator of the scene, admitted that they were there to protect against assassins from the previous day. Sun Rong, a witness on the scene, didn’t notice any. Zhou Yi stepped in to claim he stopped them before she could notice, as instructed by Wang Ling on scene. ..

Zhou Yi, the spying Social Faction leader, hears that it was Zhuo Yi who stopped her team. Zhuo Yi explains the operation: protect Sun Rong. He has several teams on standby, including Seven-Star Squad guarding from the air. ..

Zhou Yi, a student at the school, spots an assassin on camera and stops him. The kids barely react as they’re attached to their phones spilling the detail in group chats.

Sun Rong and Chen Chao both claim they’ll protect Wang Ling as the Administrator reminds them to keep it on the down low. Uh-huh. ..

Administrator Wang is able to knock out the Golden Pill elite guards with a toxic gas, but Xu Ying gets to him. Xu Jian finds his way in as the others distract the protectors. Zhou Yi keeps watch on screen.

Administrator Wang is able to avoid Xu Ying’s traps but as Xu Ying escapes and sprints towards the office, it’s Wang Ling who knocks him out by simply opening the door. In the yard, Xu Feng defeats the team but has his essence secretly taken by Froggy 2. This, of course, allows him to turn back into Giant Frog – at least in his head.

Xu Jian, cloaked in invisibility, prepares to fight as Wang Ling walks past him to receive a delivery. The Immortals first scan it for trouble. As this is happening around him, Xu Jian thinks he’s in the clear. But Wang Ling confirms he knows he’s there and that he’s accidently knocked out his friend. Uh-oh. ..

Xu Jian charges his hammer, but Wang Ling ducks out of the way. The hammer hits the ground, and Xu Jian trips over it. Wang Ling then uses 50% of his energy on Zhou Yi, telling him that he was the one who defeated the fighter. ..

The kids find Zhou Yi with a knocked-out Wang Ling as the news reports another defeat for the assassins. Zhou Yi is in a state of shock, realizing that he was the one who knocked out Wang Ling.

The Episode Review

This episode is full of strange assassins running around, and the name Social Faction alone suggests some sort of political affiliation. But we still don’t know where the rabbit faces come in. Anyone?

Despite the fact that the school at large believes that Wang Ling has no power and he doesn’t put in any effort in socializing, he has managed to find at least three people - four if you count Zhou Yi - who have decided to befriend him. ..

Song Rong and Chen Chao have found their own reasons to stick around.

It won’t be easy to ditch any of them, even if Wang Ling erases their memories. They’ve already decided, same with Froggy 2. Although they were enemies during the lab incident, Froggy still tipped Wang Ling about the assassins when he could have easily sat back and watched. ..

Despite his best efforts, there’s something about Wang Ling that makes him stand out. ..

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