The Commenter

However, Allegra starts to feel like she’s losing touch with herself. She starts to feel like she’s not living life to the fullest and that her relationships are superficial. She decides to take a break from her life and go on a road trip with Beth. Allegra hopes that by taking this break, she will be able to rediscover herself and come back stronger than ever. ..

As Allegra posts a picture of their group meal that night online, she notices a comment from an anonymous poster reading “your smile is as fake as your life.” Beth doesn’t care and is nonchalant toward it but Allegra dwells on it all night long.

This person continues to comment on all Allegra’s photos, even after she’s made it clear that they don’t matter. Allegra is so set on these comments that she’s convinced they’re right and starts doubting her own abilities. One comment reading “none of these people care enough about her to tell her the truth” really gets under Allegra’s skin.

This troll responds to Allegra with a simple “lol” in response to her message.

An anonymous figure claims that the reason they have stopped following through with their goals is because they have given up on life. Allegra, who used to have dreams of becoming a writer, has fallen by the wayside in recent years. ..

Allegra decides to change her life, listening to this troll and quitting her job. After doing all of this, the troll’s account becomes inactive and leaves Allegra in limbo. She eventually turns to Beth and forces her to say something mean, which is eventually met by a tentative declaration of how Allegra is not as intelligent she thinks she is. This whole chat breaks down Beth’s defences, as she sobs and admits to Allegra how much she loves her.

Beth admits that she managed to track down who the random troll is online- she’s the one who had her blocked. Allegra heads to the office building where she finds the troll in the women’s bathroom. ..

As the two stand next to one another, Allegra eventually leans forward and kisses the surprised woman, deciding she’s ready to embrace the real her now, walking out and hearing her true inner-voice for the first time.

The Episode Review

In this episode, we explore the ways that social media has become a way for people to seek validation and to build relationships. It can be a great way to connect with others, but it can also lead to a lot of toxicity. We see how people use social media to build relationships and how it can be used as a way to seek validation.

I was bullied for 5 years at school, received numerous messages across MSN Messenger after school (remember that one, guys?) and I can still remember almost every hurtful thing that was said about me and my weight. I mean, I weigh the same now as I did in secondary school (high school.)

The Premise is a game that perfectly captures the extremes of what would happen if you listened to the trolls and caved to their expectations. ..

This anthology has been pretty tumultuous so far, but this is easily one of the better episodes.