What Should I Do When the Goddess Forces Me on a Date?

Episode 4 of The Daily Life of the Immortal King (Netflix) features a heated battle between Sun Rong and Wang Ling in the classroom. The narrator notes the strong scent of hormones in the air, as Sun Rong approaches her prey. ..

Wang Ling and Sun Rong go on a date. Wang Ling seems to spot the hitmen and the shooter, but misses his shot.

Sun Rong shouts her request for Wang Ling to date her to the class. The assassin takes aim again as the School Administrator enters to ask for Wang Ling’s presence. He takes them out and shouts yes in response. But Sun Rong receives it as a yes to her as he makes his escape.

As the hitmen follow Sun Rong to the next potential position on campus, they devise a plan to get her into a powerful position. They watch Froggy from the rooftop as he posts pictures of them and their date on social media, and they know that enough people will be interested in what is going on. As the news of Sun Rong and ‘Force Value Five’ spreads, social media explodes with reactions.

Wang Ling is taken to see the “Joint Honorary Master Immortal” of the School – none other than Zhou Yi. Once in private, Zhou Yi aims to confirm that Wang Ling is the same boy who defeated Giant Frog with one kick. He bows to his knees, saying he’d been seeking him since then. ..

Wang Ling applied the 50% trick of forgetting as his 100% version is too powerful and could endanger the recipient. On his way back to class, Froggy 2 informs him about the assassins.

Wang Ling has a terrifying dream about Sun Rong asking him on a date. He wakes with a start (in his bunny PJs) to find Sun Rong waiting outside. He’s nearly sure his parents will insist he focus on his studies, but they’re all for the date, landing encouragements.

Wang Ling is waiting outside in a limo with security when she sees posts about the date all over social media. Sun Rong is one of the people mentioned in the posts, and Wang Ling assumes that he’s going on the date. She’s excited to see him and hopes that everything goes well, but she’s also worried about what could happen if the hitmen show up. ..

The convoy of limos heads to Heavenly Paradise, an amusement park owned by the Sun family. Sun Rong teases Wang Ling along the way.

Upon arrival, Wang Ling releases security and tells her friend to take care of her. However, the hitmen follow anyway and as the kids check out the park, they clear the obstacles, getting ever closer. They take a shot but Wang Ling stops the bullet with her teeth and spits it back at them. ..

Sun Rong mistakes the move for Wang Ling smiling at her. He quickly uses his 50% memory-erase trick. They continue through the park, pursuers in pursuit, with Wang Ling foiling them and Sun Rong completely clueless.

Wang Ling and Zhou Yi are sitting on the Ferris wheel when gunmen start shooting. Wang Ling imagines a bit of quiet on the ride, and as the shooters follow, she calls in a team.

Wang Ling flicks his finger to send the gunmen flying then seals Sun Rong’s memories of the day’s events. But Zhou Yi observes Wang Ling’s power.

The Episode Review

We’re learning more and more about ‘Force Value Five,’ as he’s now nicknamed at school. To date, he doesn’t seem to be bothered as long as he can stick to his goal of keeping a low profile. But that’s getting more difficult by the minute, especially on a day out with Sun Rong.

Sun Rong seems like a very busy person who is not the type to take on assassins. It seems more likely that they are after her for revenge on her wealthy family, but killing her doesn’t seem like the most profitable route. Then again, hired killers are just doing their job like everyone else, right? A la Gross Pointe Blank – ‘If I show up at your door, chances are you did something to bring me there.’ It seems unlikely that it’s Sun Rong herself doing the bad at this point. She seems completely wrapped up in competing at school and getting Wang Ling’s attention.

Wang Ling is a secret agent who has to work hard to keep up with the assassins, blocking their attacks and erasing memories. Somehow the best part is that he wishes for the killers to show up just so he can get a break from his date.

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