Fair and Just Class: President Election

Wang Ling ‘births’ himself as he crawls from his mother’s womb in Episode 2 of The Daily Life of the Immortal King. This exciting new series follows Wang as he struggles to find his place in the world and learn to live for himself.

As the ‘chosen one’ Wang Ling has to endure unimaginable torments from a young age, as he can hear others’ thoughts. ..

The toddler experiences a philosophical dilemma when given the gift of a sword and knowing that it will be used to fight with another sword. He decides to take the sword, but knows that it will eventually break. This will result in marital dispute and endless agita.

The narrator tells the story of how a diaper saved a marriage. Wang Ling, an unassuming young man, was determined to keep a low profile because he knew that if he made any noise, his family would think he was a bad influence. But when his wife found out that he was using the bathroom in their home, she became determined to get him to stop. She convinced him to use the toilet in a secluded part of the house so that no one would see him and they could continue their relationship. This story is thought-provoking because it shows how people can overcome obstacles and make new relationships despite different backgrounds or differences.

At the age of 6, he fails to confine his force, resulting in the family unanimously voting on the low-profile thing. Dad’s job is to find a way to contain spiritual forces before primary school begins.

Wang Ling is still breaking bowls with a touch as he enters high school. His Mother insists he take a daily golden pill while Father continues to apply cultivation technology to amulets in the hope of containing his power. Wang Ling makes an escape as the old amulet argument resumes.

Wang Ling’s parents recount the occasional drama when their son’s power made a break for it - a birthday candle house fire at age 7, knocking his friends out of their clothes with a whoosh at age 10. Hoping for a normal life for their son, the golden pill has to date served to reduce his power. With this new bit of knowledge, Wang Ling resolves to remain unimpressive until the new amulet is ready. ..

At school, elections for class president are announced. Chen Chao and Sun Rong are forerunners. Team Sun are promising all sorts of gifts for votes. Wang Ling intends to slip away until he spots an irresistible sale on ramen.

Sun Rong’s people buy them all and offer them as gifts in kind. Sun Rong appears to shining lights, arguing with Team Chen on the appropriateness of buying votes. Wang Ling bids 5 votes for 5 packs of noodles.

The students murmur that he should only have one vote, so our beauty offers all ramen for free. However, she whispers an incantation to get everyone on side to instant effect. She looks around for her advocate Wang Ling who’s long left the scene. But he’d conveniently left behind a golden pill, to balance the 5-pack-for-1-vote exchange.

Sun Rong is caught out when her instructor discusses the Ancient Art of Confinement. She realises that she’s been caught out and decides to take action.

He sighs as he notes that he’s automatically resistant to the spell’s influence. Unless, her bodyguard didn’t pass on the golden pill. He signals to her see if she has it.

Sun Rong is surprised that he’s staring at her and assumes that the pill she sent him must have increased his power. She pops it in her mouth, but this is not what he was signing - more like, thank you for the noodles, it was great.

Just as her energy collapses, the professor calls her to the front to demonstrate the incantation. She slips and falls backwards, but Wang Ling catches her. Called upon to recite, he drops her to the floor. With a line, he lifts the spell from the entire room. ..

The professor confirms to Zhou Yi that Wang Ling was able to break the spell easily, having only heard it once. ..

Sun Rong is still trying to decide whether to help or hurt Wang Ling.

The Episode Review

Wang Ling is a unique kid, and he’s purposely keeping his skills under wraps in order to pursue an ordinary life. Whether or not to please his parents or fulfil his own desire is still up for debate. But it doesn’t seem ‘average’ to keep to yourself quite so isolated. Even Saiki K has mates, though he tries to avoid them.

We smell a spoiled rich kid from Sun Rong with her staff, excess cash, and inability to take in negative information. She’s been thinking of Wang Ling since she couldn’t find him on her staff. It’s not likely that he’ll stay out of the background until his dad’s amulet is complete.

With the professor on to him, that seems even less likely. Surely the school will be keen to find new ways to “test” and assess his ability. Oh dear. Think Zhou Yi has figured out who he is yet? The real hero of Huaxiu. ..

In this episode, we follow the story of Wang Ling, a student who is struggling with his hearing and his ability to connect with others. We learn about his past, and how he has been able to improve his skills. We also get a look at what may be happening with Sun Rong, the student who is in danger of harming herself. With 13 episodes left in the series, we will see what happens next.

What are some ideas for plot in a novel? Some ideas for plot in a novel could include: -A love story between two people -A mystery to be solved -A character who goes through a transformation or growth over the course of the novel -A story set in a different time period or place ..