Kang has been through a lot in his life and has learned to rely on himself. He is now a successful business man, and he uses his experiences to help others. Kang is an inspiration to many people, and he always tries to give back to the community. ..

He has had to work hard to support his family and now they are the proud parents of two kids. He is grateful for all the opportunities he has been given and he knows that he can never take them for granted.

Kang continued to work hard to make ends meet for his family. He bought the karaoke bar years later and also opened a garage near a military base and made friends with the soldiers. Even though life got a little bit better, Kang dreamt of a better and easier life for his family.

Park Eung-soo visits his old school friend one day and tells him about a great business idea. He invites him to be a partner in his new business, which is to get skate (fish) from Suriname and sell it in Korea. People in Suriname don’t like skate, so there’s no market for it there, but there’s a huge market for it in Korea. ..

Kang is hesitant when he first hears about the opportunity to start a business in Suriname, but after a scuffle at his Karaoke bar, he decides to go ahead with the venture. He joins Eung-soo, a fellow Korean immigrant, and together they start their skate export business. As with any new business venture, there are challenges to be faced - but Kang and Eung-soo are up for the challenge. ..

Just as they are settling in Suriname and starting off their new business endeavour. They get a visit from the leader of the Suriname Armed Forces who asks for a bribe to offer their business protection. Luckily, Kang uses his charm to smooth things out and the leader is pleased. They come to an amicable decision and he leaves after getting his money.

Kang and Eung-soo are not happy with this arrangement and decide to leave the club. They run into trouble again, this time with a Chinese gang leader. This gang leader is not happy to see them; he orders his men to beat them up as a warning. He is insistent that they owe him money and they will have to pay at the end of the month. Kang and Eung-soo are not happy with this arrangement either, so they decide to leave the country.

The two decide to go to church after their run-in with the Chinese gang. They are forced to introduce themselves to the congregation and later on, the pastor invites them to talk in his office.

Pastor Kim offers to help the men after hearing their story. He takes them to Chinatown and has an audience with the gang leader. In the end, he is able to help them with their issue. ..

Business is looking up for Kang and Eung-soo as they continue to work hard to make the business a success. However, things take a turn for the worse when their boat is seized after cocaine was found on it. ..

Kang and Eung-soo are shocked to hear that someone was skateboarding on the roof of the church at night. They try to find out what happened and Kang calls the pastor who promises to make some phone calls. Eung-soo goes out to find out what might have happened to the skateboard. ..

As Kang waits for Eung-soo to return, the police arrive to arrest him. He tries to make a run for it but fails and the episode ends with him surrendering at gunpoint.

The Episode Review

This series starts strong with a protagonist that many can relate to. He is a hustler just trying to make ends meet and provide a better life for his family. He is trying to make an honest living but life keeps throwing him knock-out punches. Viewers can understand his desire and drive, and it is easy to see why he chose to go to Suriname.

The protagonist’s narration is interesting and makes the story easier to understand.

After his arrest, we will see how Mr. X will get to the mystery of the cocaine. ..