Preparing To Live

The woman in charge of the biohacking facility is a scientist named Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. She is also responsible for the explosives used by the bombers in episode 1 of Foundation. Dr. Shaw is a powerful figure in Foundation, and her role in the events that transpired on Aether will have a significant impact on the future of the organization.

The Genetic Dynasty is still in the dark about who orchestrated these attacks. They may be able to gain more intel if they act quickly, but this could also lead to martyrs. The other Brothers warn against this. ..

Gaal continues to repeat the number sequence aboard their ship. They have 54 more months until they land on Terminus and both Raych and Gaal have been hooking up in their free time. Terminus is a difficult and hostile planet, but simulations don’t exactly fill Gaal with confidence, given the mortality rate every time they play. Still, if they want the Foundation to work, they need to be ready to try and defy the odds. ..

After Gaal returns to check on Hari, she reports that the simulations are going well and she would like to attend the Foundation budget allocation meeting later that day. ..

Just before Gaal arrives at the meeting, she engages in a cryptic conversation with Raych outside. She admits that Hari’s calculations haven’t been fully worked out yet and the puzzle could well change. According to her, there are pieces missing – but enough that it could reshape into a completely different picture.

The tension on the ship between Raych and Hari is mounting as Hari tells stories of Raych’s birth parents. Raych lashes out and comments how Hari’s got his history wrong.

Brother Day continues to try and find those responsible for the bombings on Tranton. He’s convinced that the Anacreon are behind this, especially when one of their women translates the bomber’s last words as “Long live the Outer Reach.” Although the pair before him are innocent, Day is dead-set on making sure someone pays for this - and if no one else has stepped forward then he’s going to make sure they’re found guilty. ..

Brother Dusk visits the city’s seer, asking just why he was at Hari’s trial. Specifically, he questions him about Gaal, wondering if she’s a seer too and has the gift of sight. This plays on his mind back at the palace too, deciding to meet both the Anacreon and Thespin delegates in private.

Dusk speaks to the Brothers individually, reiterating how loyal they are to the empire. They believe there’s someone else out there pulling the strings from the shadows. Having heard enough, Dusk decides to leave but warns that they will die. As he walks out, the camera pans up to show the other Brothers watching from a balcony, commenting how he’s declining.

Brother Day steps up as the voice of the empire, punishing the delegates regardless of their innocence. This single act looks set to fan the flames of war.

As the episode closes out, back aboard the ship bound for Terminus, Raych walks in on Hari stabbing Gaal to death. Given the bad blood between them, he grabs Raych and throws her in a tank, submerged with water and launching it out to space. As it flies through the void, miraculously dodging all the asteroids in a nearby field, we’re left with lots of unanswered questions by the end. ..

The Episode Review

The Genetic Dynasty is a slow-paced show that never quite dives deep enough into the worldbuilding. The pace is often too slow, making the world feel too static and dull.

The Expanse is a great example of how to use credit roll and chapter changes to create a unique experience for the viewer.

The showrunners have tried to make a show that feels like a mix of other shows that have tackled this idea better and in more detail, but it’s not really working. Fans are reacting to the show with mixed feelings, with some enjoying it and others feeling that it’s not very well done.

Based on the first two episodes of “The Crown,” it seems that many people will have a negative reaction to this show. For me, I’m not sure if I’m going to like it or not. We’ll have to see how the rest of the show progresses.