Zero Daze

Episode 5 of Pantheon Season 1 is where everything starts to come apart at the seams. David’s time is limited, and he blinks out. Maddie is forced to get out before it’s too late. Someone has taken the servers offline, and of course that stems back to Logorhythms. They’ve just taken control of Aeterna. Maddie escapes from the compound just in time, but David doesn’t make it out alive. It seems he was found by the authorities and Maddie must go into hiding before it’s too late. Someone has taken control of Aeterna servers, which means they have access to all of Pantheon’s data. ..

Renee and Hannah meet up at the mall last episode and Renee reveals that she is in fact a vampire. Cary tries to stop her but is unsuccessful. Caspian then comes to see Hannah and demands to know her connection with Renee. After seeing them at the mall, Caspian is a man possessed and eventually gets the truth from her.

Rachel reveals that she is an actor that was recruited by Candle Street, which is a Shell Company name. She was given $1 million to keep her mouth shut and play up the role of Caspian’s partner in this “social experiment.” It turns out Rachel’s mother has cancer and she’s done this to pay for her treatment.

Caspian agrees to stay quiet about his part in this, but only if Hannah does exactly what he says. Hannah (Rachel) plays her part well, pretending that her meeting with Caspian was just a run of the mill meet, with nothing untoward occurring.

Caspian listens to the call with Renee the entire time, realizing, with despair, that his mother is in deep. He also learns that Cary has gone rogue, shocked that his “father” isn’t the sadistic abuser he was led to believe.

Renee suggests they head up the coast and get away to Santa Barbara. This is, of course, all a ruse but Caspian plays along all the same. On the way, Caspian notices Renee has taken her gun “in case they find Cary.” So naturally, when Renee stops at the gas station, Caspian drops all pretences and takes control of the car, leaving her high and dry.

Meanwhile, Maddie communicates with David, as the pair reconvene in the digital world and go over what they’ve discovered thus far. It seems that Logorhythms have new tracking algorithms in place, and they’re covering their tracks too, with no upload files in their main HQ depicting the surgery or the awful experiments they’re conducting. ..

Maddie immediately thinks outside the box though, bringing up a remote location, namely that of Norway, where Logorhythms are operating. Maddie’s idea to investigate the strange activity there leads her to discover a secret society of logorrheic beings who use this location for their rituals.

Pope’s satellite phone is hacked by David, who downloads an echolocation of the facility. He decides to drain Pope’s battery remotely in order to find out where the charge point is. ..

David moves the phone across the desk to a nearby laptop, which inevitably allows Laurie access to download the project files.

Laurie and David are able to access the mainframe of the laptop and files within it after finding a hidden file inside. They realize that there is another person inside the computer – Vinod Chandra.

Pope is informed of the hack and knows that Waxman is watching it from his computer. They decide to work together and trace the origin point back to Maddie’s place. Their cover is blown, but they continue to move on their location. ..

Pope David’s team of hackers shows up at the wrong location, confirming his ruse as Pope finally understands his phone has been hacked.

While David is working on the project files on Caspian, he finds out that Cary is there looking for him. Cary admits that Caspian was created from Stephen’s genome and he is basically Stephen’s perfect clone, the one designed to take over the man’s legacy. Holstrom never uploaded because he realized the system hadn’t been perfected yet.

When Caspian leaves, he finds Renee there waiting. She continues to act as if she doesn’t know Cary, but he breaks the facade completely and admits that he’s told their son everything. Renee then shoots Cary but before he can bleed out, Caspian takes off with him in the car. ..

The Episode Review

In the shocking climax to this episode, it is revealed that Caspian is not just a regular fish, but is in fact a highly advanced alien creature with a very important role to play in the ongoing sci-fi drama. There are plenty of things to like about this chapter, which continues to deliver compelling sci-fi drama. Some of the ideas are certainly not outside the scope of possibility for where humanity is heading in the near future, while the big reveal about Caspian is a nice reveal to show exactly why he’s so important to all of this. ..

Caspian’s storyline is, so far at least, much more compelling while Maddie feels like a passenger for a lot of what’s transpiring right now. Despite that though, there’s more than enough to like with this one and next week’s episode promises to be quite the dramatic affair. ..