Lois, as Clarice, heads off to talk to Stewie (Hannibal Lecter) in his cell, and as usual, the little troublesome baby is in a mood of his own. Stewie tells her he would talk to her only if she can arrange for Mario Lopez to record his voicemail message. Weird Stewie making weird requests! Lois comes back with the recorded message, but Stewie isn’t pleased as he argues the voice should have been recorded by Lopez as Slater. Meanwhile, Chris (Buffalo Bill) has abducted Meg (Catherine Martin). The abduction is more like a negotiation with a shopkeeper.

Stewie escapes from the facility in a way that can neither be understood nor be explained. Lois stops at Chris’ place and kills him – but not before doing a little disco dance.

Lois is awarded the honor of Lady FBI with an accompanying framed certificate. She gets a teasing call from escaped Stewie who tells her he is having an old man for dinner and hangs up with some not-suitable-for-babies slurs. ..

Next up is American Beauty. It starts with Peter (Lecter) narrating the situation, and he does the narration as bizarrely as we have come to expect from him. He mentions when he signed up for American Beauty, he thought it was going to be something like American Pie. Stewie and Brian (Jim and Jim), as a homosexual couple, introduce themselves to Peter’s family. Chris (Ricky) and Meg (Jane) are getting along. He tells her he is considering sending his plastic bag video to America’s Funniest Home Videos.

Peter starts having sexual feelings for Angela, Meg’s school friend. Peter gets the sack from his job and starts working in a fast food restaurant. Lois (Carolyn Burnham) and Quagmire (Buddy Kane) go to Peter’s drive-through, and Peter gets to know about Lois’ affair with Quagmire. He gives her more ketchup though. The next scene shows Peter doing bicep curls with tiny pink dumbbells. He also starts purchasing illegal drugs from Chris. Joe (Frank) arrives to meet Peter and attempts to kiss him. ..

Joe is gently rebuffed when he tells him he is straight. Peter also apologizes for exercising with pink dumbbells and for a weird interaction with Chris that might have sent wrong signals about his sexuality.

Angela tells Peter she would like to have sex with him, and reveals she is a virgin. Peter responds by saying, “Not a deal-breaker.” Chris Hansen pops up from out of nowhere and gives his introduction. Not sure about what to do next, Peter requests to be shot. The next moment, he is shot dead by Joe. ..

After a long and detailed account of his life, Forrest Gump concludes with a warning to all young people: “Don’t go to college if you can’t handle being laughed at.”

Peter, a veteran of the Vietnam War, tells his story of the time he was fighting alongside Joe, a lieutenant. Joe had always been a brave soldier and was known for his fearless actions. However, in one fierce battle against the enemy, Joe lost both of his legs. Peter knew that Joe would eventually need help and decided to leave him to die at the battlefield. When Peter asked Joe to leave him behind and save himself, Joe refused and chose to stay with Peter in order to receive medical attention. This act of bravery by Joe inspired Peter to continue fighting even though he was now alone and outnumbered. ..

Back at home, Peter delivers a speech during a protest – revealing the most important thing he discovered during his time in Vietnam was the red stuff in most Vietnamese cuisines that he thinks is neither ketchup nor hot sauce. He has sex with Lois (Jenny) after he got wealthy. Then he goes on a run again – which Peter compares with the writing of a 7-year-old who just eats candies. Peter goes back to Lois – who tells him she has an illness. The name of which she whispers into his ears. She tells Peter that Stewie is his son, and that Stewie isn’t too happy because he has only one line to deliver after 6 hours of makeup. ..

Lois died suddenly, and Peter closed the curtains to mock the feather bit of the movie. ..

The Episode Review

The premiere episode of Family Guy season 21 is fine – it’s nothing to go bananas over and not a complete downer either. However, the trouble is that the episode is only going to make sense to those who have watched the movies they parody. If you haven’t watched these movies, you are surely going to have a problem understanding the angle of the episode, and you may even go 23 minutes without a single laugh. ..

The episode is occasionally funny though – without much to offer. Rest assured though, Stewie and Peter are great to watch as always. The episode appears to be an effort to repeat the formula (parodies) that has proved to be successful in the past. It’s only worthy of a shot if you have watched these three movies: Forrest Gump, American Beauty, and The Silence of the Lambs. If not, you can probably skip this one and wait for the second episode.