Ola Adebayo

Ola is a playwright and she’s on her way to Vermont to write a play. Marcus invites her out for a drink, but she’s not sure if she wants to go. He’s pretty pushy and his enthusiasm eventually wins her over. She agrees to go for a drink with him.

That evening, Ola and Marcus head out, with the latter even calling it their first date. Their night goes well and although there’s only a small spark between them, Marcus decides to lean into the idea of a relationship, believing it’ll lead to fireworks in the future.

Marcus is having regrets about the way he’s been treating Ola. He’s been speeding up their relationship, and she’s become very spiritual. He seems to be regretting not being more considerate of her needs.

Marcus begins to think that Mia may have had something to do with Ola’s career decline. ..

Marcus realizes his mistakes and that this relationship may not have been the best choice. He struggles to perform in bed and even on his own he fails to become aroused… until he thinks of Mia in the shower. Midway through the deed, Ola bursts into the bathroom and sees him.

Marcus is once again left on his own, angry and upset. ..

The Episode Review

In the latest episode of Love Life, Ola and Marcus break up after a rocky start. I actually agree with Ola on this one. Marcus was the one pushing for a relationship and the flakey way he’s been agreeing with everything Ola has to say and not laying down ground rules from the start is just a recipe for disaster. Alas, it ends with Ola and Marcus breaking up.

The first season of “The Good Place” ended with Marcus and Mia getting together. This led to a inevitable between the two characters, which was clear from the beginning.

Despite some issues, Love Life is still a fun show to watch. The door is wide open for more great episodes this season, so keep your eyes peeled.