Never Gonna Give You Up

In the latest episode of Another Life, William loses control as USIC officers begin stripping the Salvare apart. However, he continues to see visions of Niko too, who encourages him to keep searching as she’s still out there.

Niko begins making sail for their end of the ship, determined to get out of this alive. She intends to use lasers to propel themselves forward.

Niko has plans to recalculate their trajectory and head back to the colony planet Paula and the others touched down on. Now, there’s no answer as to exactly how she managed to set up the sail outside but I guess she just did it effortlessly.

Niko and Richard get to work bowling and getting drunk as they sail the boat. ..

Zayn is struggling to keep it together as each of the crew members discuss Javier’s implant and how they needed to remove it because he was deteriorating. Seth hones in on Zayn as the weak-link.

Seth points out that the young woman’s hands give her away, grilling her over her lies. In order to persuade her, he uses her mother’s illness as a bargaining chip to learn the truth about what’s really going on.

Seth’s memory is being affected by Cas. When Eric questions her in secret, it seems as if Seth has erased her memory.

They know they have to do this if they want to make it back to Earth alive. But as they start to purge the ship, they realize that there are some things they still need. They need food, water and air. And in order to get those things, they’ll have to go through the airlock and leave the ship behind.

This action may save them a few days, but it seems as if something else is aboard with them. When Richard heads back to his room, he hears skittering and weird noises coming from the vents. Importantly, a bottle of fentanyl is on his counter.

Niko and Richard are convinced they’re seeing something out there, but it’s just an hallucination. They search the ship for anything that could be the source, but they come up empty-handed. Niko decides to go into space in her spacesuit to see if she can find anything out there, but all she finds is a hallucination.

William continues to see both Iara and Niko. Apparently both of them are a part of his coding and he decides to embrace this, rekindling all of his past memories and reintegrating back to his form before the hard reset. How? Who knows.

Niko and Alex are back on their ship after experiencing nitrogen narcosis. This caused their hallucinations and paranoia, which is now all back to normal. They decided to get back to drinking again.

The two friends toast to the salvation of Earth and contemplate whether or not to end it all and OD right there. Just before they do though, alarms wail as a ship suddenly shows up. It’s not the Achaia… so who could it be?

The Episode Review

The longest episode of Another Life Season 2 is the slowest too. With the crew back on Earth now, most of this chapter is taken up with Niko and Richard wandering around their ship and drinking. It’s pretty dull in truth, and there’s still no explanation around how they managed to set up the sails outside the ship.

In space sci-fi, it can be nice to see some of the scientific babble that these characters exude. This allows the reader to better understand the complex concepts and ideas being talked about.

The idea of the ship with both Richard and Niko starting to grow paranoid is a nice touch, although it certainly takes a long time for them to actually get to the point here. As far as fillers go, this one’s about as close as you could come to it.

The rest of the season may be better, but given what we’ve seen so far, it might be best to temper expectations. ..