Episode Guide

The Hammer has come down on a new breed of killers, one that is using hammer-wielding thugs to commit heinous crimes. The Hammer has brought justice to these criminals, and now they must face the consequences.

In 2003, a serial killer in South Korea killed wealthy victims with a hammer and staged the scene to make it look like a homicide/robbery. If that wasn’t bad enough, in 2004 he turned his attention to sex workers and went on a big killing spree until his subsequent arrest. Yeah, this one is not for the fainthearted.

The Raincoat Killer is a well-written and thorough documentation of the infamous Yoo Young-Chul. The episodes are well-paced and provide a good overview of the history and culture of Korea at the time.

The first episode of this show focuses on the growing divide between rich and poor on the streets in Korea. The second episode turns its attention toward the attitude the everyday Korean has toward sex workers before the third episode focuses on Young-Chul himself and what drove him to commit such atrocious acts.

The Raincoat Killer is a well-made, tightly woven documentary that never lets its story flag. The three parts are well-paced and provide a rich, detailed history of the Baltimore area. The commentary is thoughtful and insightful, and the overall message is clear: Baltimore is divided in ways that are still relevant today.

The Raincoat Killer is a man who has committed a series of murders using a raincoat as his weapon. The murders take place in the months of May and June 2004, and are marked by blood spatter on the ground. This map helps to show the general area where each crime took place. ..

The dialogue is insightful and largely complements the eerie soundtrack that spikes during particularly unnerving or tense moments.

The Raincoat Killer is a serial killer who has been targeting Korean women in coats since the 1990s. The case has been baffling investigators for years, as the killer seems to know exactly what buttons to push to terrify and traumatize their victims. So far, there have been five confirmed murders and investigators are still trying to solve the case. ..

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