can go awry, and sometimes the unexpected happens. This is especially true when it comes to relationships - things can change quickly and unexpectedly, and often for the worse. Relationships are a two-way street, and both partners need to be willing to work together in order for them to succeed. However, sometimes one partner may not be willing or able to do this. This can lead to problems down the road, as the relationship slowly starts to unravel. If you’re experiencing problems in your relationship, it’s important that you talk about them with your partner. If they’re not willing or able to work on resolving the issue, then it may be time to consider breaking up the relationship. ..

Yo-hwan’s men start shooting at the Brazilian border guards, who return fire. The situation quickly becomes chaotic as people try to run for their lives. Yo-hwan’s men start shooting at the Brazilian border guards, who return fire. The situation quickly becomes chaotic as people try to run for their lives.

NIS’s plan all along was to have Kang killed, and Chang-ho knew it. He lied to Kang to keep him safe, but now that the plan has backfired, Chang-ho is frustrated with his friend. The relationship between the two is strained further because of this.

In the meantime, Yo-hwan’s bank accounts in Europe are frozen and this makes Yo-hwan suspicious and he is convinced there is a traitor among them. Kang is quick to deflect suspicion from himself to Preacher (who used to work for Chen Zhen before). Nevertheless, Yo-hwan is impressed with Kang’s quick thinking to save some of the merchandise during the gunfight at the border. He is convinced that they are both cut from the same cloth as they both are shrewd businessmen who love money.

The next day, Yo-hwan takes Kang to visit the President of Suriname (a long-time friend of Yo-hwan). They successfully bribe him to handle the Brazil border situation.

Kang and Yo-hwan discuss their plans to grow cocaine in a remote piece of land. Yo-hwan offers to make Kang his partner by giving 10% and naming him the director of the operations. The only thing missing is the cash to bankroll this new endeavour, Yo-hwan asks Kang to help him convince Sangman to find a new route to Korea.

Agent Chang-ho listens in on this conversation and is concerned that Kang is thinking of betraying them when they disagree on the best approach to move forward. Chang-ho is still working on getting Yo-hwan to use the US route. He visits a DEA official who says they can only help in an unofficial capacity and with full absolution.

The drug traffickers are trying to convince Yo-hwan to reroute the cocaine through Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, in order to avoid any involvement from America. Yo-hwan is not happy about this idea and is arguing with his partner, Sangman, about whether or not they should go through with the deal. It seems that they are at an impasse and may not be able to come up with a new route. ..

Kang is convinced that there could be another option to deal with Yo-hwan. Maybe, just maybe, they can just get Yo-hwan killed. Chang-ho is not happy to hear this, he wants to bring Yo-hwan to justice legally and is not willing to let all his hard work so far go down a six-foot hole.

Yo-hwan and David are brainstorming on how to pay the Columbians and also get a new route to South Korea. Yo-hwan decides to use a “dirty way” to solve the matter. Tipped off by Chang-ho, Kang decides to secretly follow Yo-hwan and he finds himself deep in Chinatown, Chen’s lair. ..

The Episode Review

I’m not sure anymore which side Kang is on! The plot is thickening and the strife between Kang and Chang-ho deepens. I guess Kang missed the lesson about the curious cat. I don’t think it was a good idea to follow Yo-hwan. Still, I want to know what dirty ingenious trick Yo-hwan is thinking about and how it will affect Chang-ho’s plan. ..

It has been brought up again that Preacher may be the NIS spy. Chen let him live after he betrayed them, but why would he do that? He doesn’t seem like someone who just lets bygones be bygones. He kills for a living.

I am curious to know more about David. Is he as loyal as Yo-hwan claims or is it just a façade to get close and spy for the NIS? ..