The Head and the Heart

Gabe visits Keyhouse and finds that the key is actually to the door of the basement. He goes down and unlocks the door, only to find that it’s locked from the inside. Gabe realizes that he needs to find a way into Keyhouse so he can solve his problem.

Kinsey and Gabe are having a conversation about sex at school the next day. Nina is there too, working in the school auditorium and fixing the place up. One of the teachers, Josh, appears but things get frosty between them pretty quickly.

Josh, the new teacher at Tyler’s school, learns that Jackie, his former student and now friend, hasn’t done the reading for a quiz they’re both taking. Jackie tells Josh she’s lost her memory and can’t remember how to do the reading. Josh helps her get it done and they end up getting along better as a result. ..

Kinsey is torn between Scot and Gabe, especially when the former admits that he’s been invited on to a prestigious film school in the UK. Gabe notices this angst and uses it as a crux to get closer to Kinsey, probing her over the keys and their origins. Kinsey has plans of her own, intending to use a key to go inside Gabe’s head. Realizing this could spoil everything, he decides against it. This only riles up Kinsey though, who believes their trust is breaking down. Eventually she tells him to leave.

Kinsey is quickly drawn into the sexual chemistry between Scot and Gabe, but Eden appears to be more interested in exploring her own sexuality. When Gabe reveals he’s also interested in Kinsey, Eden becomes increasingly frustrated with him. Ultimately, they decide to take things slow and explore their sexuality together.

Josh tries to make amends with Nina following his macho flexing earlier in the episode. When he and Nina meet again later in the episode, we learn a bit more about this history teacher.

Josh has just moved from Chicago after his wife passed away a year ago. Josh and his daughter Jamie decided to move and get a fresh start. Matheson has a rich history so given his fascination with that, Josh is living in the dorms with Jamie, who happens to be Bode’s new friend.

Gabe decides to use the naïve kid as his latest tool to learn more about the different keys at Keyhouse. Gabe asks about the ghost key and uses this information to learn more about its origin and how to make them. ..

Gabe visits a graveyard that happens to hold the ghost of Chamberlin Locke. He feigns that he’s in love with Kinsey, and learns that he needs to add a drop of his own fresh blood along with intent focus on exactly what he wants the key to do as the sole purpose. If he can do that then he should be able to make a key of his own.

Meanwhile, Kinsey and Tyler continue to express their concerns about turning into adults. With the threat of memory loss looming over them, Kinsey decides they should find the “keeper of the keys” Erin, to find out how she can still remember – and help them do the same.

Erin is in the hospital and completely docile. In order to find out what’s going on, the pair decide to go inside her head. After turning the key, they find themselves inside a nightmarish vision, complete with a younger version of Erin holding a knife and hiding in her class. ..

Kinsey and Tyler manage to talk Erin down, revealing that they’ve got rid of Dodge (or so they thought!) and bringing her younger self back to the hospital. This singular act helps bring Erin back from the brink, as she suddenly regains consciousness.

The Episode Review

With a little more development over the keys and some more of those wild key powers being shown off, Locke and Key begins to get back to the intrigue and mystery that made parts of season 1 so endearing.

Despite the struggles, “The O.C.” still has some great moments and is a must-watch for fans of teen dramas. The triangle with Scot and Gabe is particularly clichéd (minus Gabe being evil and having an ulterior motive of course) while Nina and Josh will obviously get together too, given their chemistry.

Josh has a miniature of Keyhouse, which suggests he will have a larger role in the story than we first thought. ..

For the time being, Locke and Key delivers another decent episode. There’s nothing particularly outstanding with this season yet, but it’s still early days and we’ve got another eight episodes for this story to start ramping up the drama. It would appear that Erin is going to play a larger part in this story now, and that ending certainly hints we’ve got a lot more secrets about to be uncovered. Roll on the next episode! ..