Live to Fight Another Day

As the survivors of Zakir watch in shock, Niko and the others put up shields to protect themselves from the meteor. However, the hull is compromised and a meteor smashes through, killing Beauchamp instantly.

As the group of delinquents join in the mess hall, they are quickly running out of time as Niko and the others worry that their shields will likely fail before the allotted 9 hour period has elapsed.

Eric heads inside the Artifact with Jana but after placing her down on a bed, she disappears completely. When Eric follows a light outside, he finds a man from Homeland Security called Seth. They’re working together now. ..

William, a Starfleet officer, shows off his new female avatar to the other crew members on board the Salvare. He admits that he has augmented her with Achaian code, and that she will not be swayed by anyone’s emotions or desires. The other crew members are excited to have a new avatar to play with, and they limit her presence around the ship in order to keep her safe.

Niko is still not impressed, and brings in Richard to speak to this female avatar. Iara, the avatar, chooses her own name and boasts that Asimov’s laws of robotics don’t apply to her. She can’t be controlled, but using her code it does seem like the Achaians are scared of Niko and her crew. As Richard himself mentions - understanding who they’re fighting and why is crucial. ..

The explosion has something going on that’s sucking the debris back in, and Niko and his team are still trying to figure out what it is.

With the threat thwarted, August and Oliver head out to fix up the holes on the exterior of The Salvare. Only, an Achaian ship suddenly shows and begins blasting them, causing plasma to vent out into space. Oliver’s umbilical cord is damaged in the process, prompting Oliver to try and help by cutting it… just as the outer ring spins and fries them in the plasma field. They’re both killed instantly.

Niko decides to leave the ship and negotiate with the aliens in order to figure out what they want.

The Episode Review

Despite the mixed reviews for its first season, Another Life is back for a second season. The show has managed to secure a renewal despite some of its issues from the first season. The story is still incomplete and there is clearly a desire to tell a complete story, but those looking for anything remotely scientific will be disappointed.

An explosion is supposed to scatter outward, like it did when the planet blew up. But why did we see Niko’s ship leave the field and all the debris end up being sucked inward?

Two of the biggest issues in this chapter are the crew’s nonchalance about the breached hull that killed Beauchamp and the gravity still being a thing here. ..

We’re still going through this episode by episode, with plenty of drama to be had in the meantime. I’m sure we’ll be able to see what’s in store for us at the meeting between the Achaians and Niko.