La Voz

Narcos: Mexico Season 3 begins with an attack on a prominent politician in San Diego. The heat on La Voz is intense as the newspapers are distributed to the public.

The cartels are not happy with the way the gang is running things and they are considering whether or not they need to arm themselves. With a war about to take place, the first thing to be targeted is the truth. In order to protect everyone, Salgado makes the decision to take their names off of the stories they’ve written.

Andrea is not happy about this revelation, believing that no one will take La Voz seriously if they do this. Salgado is pretty dead-set though and even suggests she get another job if she doesn’t agree to this.

Mayo and Chapo team up to take on the Sinaloa cartel. Mayo is a skilled leader and has big plans for putting the cartel back where they belong. Chapo is excited to work with Mayo, and their partnership quickly becomes successful.

As fate would have it, Amado is also after Mayo and agrees to give him a cash advance – and the promise of killing the Arellanos too. This move could prove to be a fatal mistake for Mayo. ..

Enedina speaks with Benjamin on the phone about her business and how she’s feeling. Benjamin is worried about her livelihood and how God is on their side for the hellfire they’re about to walk through.

Victor walks a fine line in his undercover work. He and Rogelio beat down a kid out in the middle of nowhere, as we learn Vicente is after the snitch in his company. When Rogelio shoots the kid in the back, he chalks it up to an occupational hazard.

It’s a risky game and when Victor heads up to El Paso to pass on intel, he gives them a name “Flaco Masvidal.” With Victor in serious danger, he’s handed the results… which are inconclusive. Beyond it being a male, there’s no definitive target. Because of this, Victor looks close to flaking and skipping out.

He takes the woman up on her offer and starts to ask her questions, but soon realizes that she won’t answer them. She’s too scared. He asks her if she knows anything about the car, but she just shakes her head. The only thing he can think of is that it might have been destroyed in a fire, but he can’t be sure. He asks her again and this time she responds with a firm “no.” The only thing left for him to do is to go back and check with the other women at the factory, but as he gets closer to the building, he realizes that there are no lights on inside. Suddenly, his worst fears come true-the bus has been hijacked!

After being shot in the stomach last episode, Alfredo is in a rough way but continues to hang out with Alex. Alfredo is convinced that everything will settle down in a few weeks but Alex is not so sure. He wants to skip town and go abroad to study. While they talk, their apartment happens to be the hotspot for this backlash attack from the Mexican military. ..

Alex is taken to Building C on Rebollo’s orders, with plans to squeeze info out of him no matter what. Off the books though, of course. Walt is a little uncomfortable about this but the General reassures him that this is for the best.

With the clock ticking, Mayo makes his move and begins to pressure the Arellano contractors into picking a side or else suffer the consequences. Those consequences happen being set on fire after being doused in petrol. ..

Given Amado wants all those in the Arellano family dead, his motivations are aligned. Amado’s methods are far more public though, especially when he declares war by placing the men Dina sent to do business with on a public monument, decapitated.

Hank is not impressed by this and tells him it’s bad for business. He wants this messiness tidied up immediately. If not? Well, all the bank accounts will be frozen.

As the episode ends, Alex tries to hold out through his interrogation. Walt does his best to try and talk him around but it’s no good. Eventually Walt caves, allowing the General to do what he must. Unfortunately this results in the interrogation taking a turn for the worst, complete with jumper cables and electricity. Yowch.

The Episode Review

The Mexican military is seeing the war take shape and in doing so, is showing just how far our soldiers will go on both sides of the conflict. Seeing Walt now caving to these questionable methods is an interesting way of challenging his morals and where he draws the line on what’s ethical or not.

The public display in the town square is pretty shocking, but it was bound to happen given how Dina tried to kill him.

The storyline involving Victor is really intriguing and definitely a nice way of giving him a well-written arc across the season. I imagine this will tie in with everyone else later on down the line, especially if Amado and Vicente are behind these killings.

Narcos: Mexico is heating up now and the final three episodes of the season promise a lot of drama. ..