Hands Across Madre Linda

Joe is taking care of Gil in the basement. He’s kept in the glass cage and thankfully not dead. The pair agree to let bygones be bygones but Joe has his doubts. Gil is not the sort of person to bury the hatchet and Joe believes letting him go will be bad news. So naturally he keeps him in the basement.

The town is organizing a community search right in the place where they buried Natalie. I guess they didn’t move her to the concrete foundation after all then.

Joe tries to find something to hold against Gil on the internet, but he seems to have everything going for him. Joe is frustrated and decides to head offline to try and find some answers.

Joe decides to confront Gil while he’s in the glass cage, but that too hits a roadblock. So naturally, but he doesn’t have anything juicy enough to hold against him. And his poor “rough-style” sex lie isn’t going to cut it. ..

The family’s PI, who is also their friend, starts to get close to the family and they soon realize that he knows more about their secrets than they do. They can’t keep him around forever and eventually have to let him go. This leaves the family with a big hole in their lives and a lot of unanswered questions.

Following the big reveal that Gil was left alone with supplies, this was a massive red flag that should have been seen coming. Gil then hanged himself after believing he had ruined his family. Love and Joe then find out they are rattled over what to do next. Just then though, Love has a good idea. ..

Love makes small talk with the search party and tries to blend in. Joe, however, decides to kill two birds with one stone by planting an axe in the woods after a particularly sketchy run-in. This leads to Gil’s suicide note incriminating himself for Natalie’s death. ..

Joe and Love are back to work, but cracks begin to form for both of them. Joe ends up giving mixed signals to Theo, who kisses her only to be rejected. For Joe? Well, Marienne offers him a reading gig at the library but…wait… is she flirting with him? Uh Oh… ..

The Episode Review

So You returns to its usual storytelling tropes after last episode’s bizarre blip to anti-vax obscurity. Now it looks like the Gil/Natalie situation has been resolved, but you never know with this series, there’s still time for the truth to come out and completely uproot this dysfunctional family. ..

Seeing Joe and Love teaming up together is a nice touch and plays on the idea of this murderous, psychotic family that are just trying to do right by Henry, no matter how messed up this is. ..

Since the events of last season, Henry has been largely absent from the show. Sherry, who was previously a minor character, has become a major problem for the town. She has a busy-body personality and this will not be good for either Love or Joe. ..

This third season has been good so far, but we’ll have to wait and see what else happens in the rest of the season.