FBI Season 5 Episode 1 opens with intense action as OA is undercover trying to buy a bomb from a broker named Curt. As always, OA is on top of his game and manages to strike a deal with Curt. The deal goes smoothly until they get to Curt’s lair and find his bomb-making partner murdered in cold blood and the bomb that can supposedly “blow up an entire city block” is missing. ..

Jubal is struggling with how to handle his son’s birthday party. He only has 3 RSVPs and his ex-wife is worried that this will further affect Taylor’s self-esteem. Jubal thinks it is a high school phase and says Taylor is tough.

The team is able to apprehend Nate and find out that he was selling the bomb to a terrorist group in Syria. This case has taken a new turn and the team is now working to prevent a terrorist attack. ..

Nathan and Tony decide to look into the catering job Tony has upcoming. They find out that the job is with a conservative right-wing organization and Nathan is not too fond of them. Nathan decides that this is a perfect opportunity to make some noise and get attention for his political views.

They go to the catering company and ask about the Federal Society conference. The catering company tells them that Tony was supposed to be working at the conference, but they need to be careful because it involves the Federal Society. If it turns out to be a false alarm, they might get on some powerful people’s bad side.

Nate gets a hit on the traffic cams and tracks the car but he is already on the move in a different car. All odds prove that Nathan is heading for the Federalist Society conference. They need to evacuate the building but Nathan is still nowhere to be seen and they have no eyes on the bomb as well.

The bomb experts are able to disarm the bomb but it goes off, causing a large explosion.

The evacuation is not complete and there are at least 300 people still in the building. The timer is ticking and they won’t be able to clear the building on time. Isobel orders them to evacuate the building immediately. OA has another idea and decides to move the bomb and drive the bomb to a place with less damage potential.

He drives off in his SUV with the bomb in his car, with just 16 seconds before the bomb goes off he jumps out of the moving car and runs. Does he think he is Usain Bolt?! He is seriously tempting fate and cutting it way too close. Either way, he saves the day but that was a dangerous call on his part. With the bomb situation dealt with, all that is left is to find Nate Schola spots him but Nate makes a run for it while opening fire. He takes a kid hostage in a car and drives off. ..

Jubal is sent to North Port to oversee the situation. He arrives to find that Nathan has slipped through their fingers again. Jubal takes the lead for the hunt of Nate and they manage to trace him and make a successful arrest. ..

Jubal rushes home to find his son’s birthday party already over. ..

The Episode Review

OA seems to be taking a lot of risks lately and I am not sure how that will pan out for him in the long run. Maggie’s presence was missed in this episode, so hopefully she will be back soon. The team did save the day and that is on account of their great teamwork.

It is sad that Jubal still can’t find a balance between work and family. This has been a problem for him since the beginning of the show. I think work has taken too much from him but he is yet to realize just how much.

This episode certainly started the season with a bang and I am looking forward to what will happen next! ..