Family Feud

The detectives are able to piece together that Kaleesha was killed because she was trying to get back together with her ex-boyfriend. They also find out that Ryan Moore was involved in the death.

Rich and Jax are driving over to Rich’s house when they hear a knock on the door. They go to answer it and find Brayden on the other side, looking surprised and taken aback by the news. They tell him that they know about his affair and that they’re going to help him prepare for what’s to come.

The detectives show up first and immediately pry, asking questions about Kaleesha until Jax saves the day, pointing out their shoddy police work.

Jax shrugs off Miller though, pointing out that she’s Rich’s client and not hers. However, Jax receives a call from Daniel, her private detective, telling her that the police have found a receipt in Kaleesha’s house from a restaurant Brayden and her ate at. This means Brayden was at Kaleesha’s house that night, implicating him in the murder. ..

Jax returns to Rich, who points out that he received a call from Miller that night. He was on his way over to visit Kaleesha and get her to sign the NDA. And she did! The details here are hazy but it would appear that Miller has no motive to kill, especially if he actually got this signed. Unless he did so forcibly and decided to kill her afterwards to keep her mouth shut, of course.

Rich asks Jax for help on the case, but she believes Miller is only using her as a token black attorney. Rich is quick to point out that’s not the case and that Jax is actually good at her job, especially as a criminal defence attorney. Jax scoffs at this though, pointing out that she only takes on cases she wants to do. ..

Jax heads to church with Lewis and the kids after breaking attorney-client privilege with her friends. Damon happens to be there though and it completely catches her off-guard.

Jax confronts Lewis about their date and he agrees to find another church to attend in the future. However, Lewis and Jax go on a date, despite being separated and apparently having a lot of problems. The kids aren’t stupid though and know there’s something up between them, contemplating whether they’re going to get divorced or not. ..

After learning that Jax cheated on Lewis in the past, it’s possible that their current problems are due to this information. However, when things heat up between them and Lewis tells Jax to turn around and face the camera during sex, she becomes angry. Lewis wants to talk things out without going to couples therapy, but Jax is not having it and eventually walks away. ..

The next day at work, Jax is excited to take on the case of Kaleesha. She goes to the coffee shop with Damon to talk to the barista about what he meant when he ordered a black coffee with milk. The barista tells them that a black coffee with milk is basically a white coffee and that they should just ask for that. Jax shrugs it off and says that the barista “knew what Damon meant.” ..

The next scene they’re at the beach without their drinks. I’m guessing they drank them before leaving but Damon has actually brought her there because it has been a dream of his for a while now. Damon admits that he confessed so he could be released and try to live his life. As for Jax, this case actually broke her and stopped her wanting to be a public defender. ..

Jax is determined to confront Brayden head on about the rape allegation. She rings him and demands to know the truth – did he rape Kaleesha? He tells her he didn’t and his conviction sees Jax decide to take him on as a client. Rich has already arranged for a meeting with the police though, which Jax isn’t happy about. She believes they need to prep him before talking and she scrambles to try and find him. He’s late to the meeting.

Brayden is telling the truth when he says that he had sex with Kaleesha the night she signed the NDA. He admits it to the reporter and says that he was really in love with her and wanted to make things work.

Jax and Fallon head to the police station together, where Jax announces on TV that she’s representing Brayden, Fallon watches at home, seething with anger. “That bitch.”

The Episode Review

The first episode of “Reasonable Doubt” was a bit of a letdown, but the second episode is much better. There are some interesting plot points and the acting is good, but there’s still not enough here to make me excited about watching it. Hulu’s latest legal drama falls in the realm of “mediocre.”

Jax’s flaws are more apparent this time around and it’s clear that there are some serious issues in her past that she needs to address before she can even think about moving forward with her life. The situation with Lewis back home is very hot/cold and it’s hard to know what to make of this, especially as it’s negatively affecting the kids. One minute she wants the kids, the next she’s palming them off to Lewis or her mum. No wonder Lewis is frustrated! ..

It would appear that Kaleesha’s murder is going to be the driving force for the majority of the season moving forward. I can’t help but feel that Ryan Moore is the culprit. If Kaleesha and Brayden had sex that night, Ryan could have seen them together and snapped, accidentally killing Kaleesha in the process. It’s a brief moment but he claims they were “separated but getting back together.” If that’s the case, then why did Kaleesha have sex with Brayden? Unless Brayden is lying of course!

Regardless of the outcome, the ending of this episode leaves the door open for a dramatic chapter to follow next week; let’s hope this one steps up a gear. ..