The detectives were stumped. They couldn’t find any evidence that Rachel had been at Nick’s father’s house. But they did find some evidence that she had been with him. The detectives decided to charge her with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice.

Nick’s goal was to get a good attorney who could save him, not just one with a good image. Sean looked like he worked out, wore well-tailored suits, had a great jawline, and didn’t lose any of his jury trials. That was enough for him.

Sean told reporters that Nick faced around 48 years of jail time for the crimes he committed. Sean offered him an immunity deal if he implicated everybody and comes clean. It was a heavy decision for Nick to undo all his good work to have a better life with friends and people who cared about him. Alexis tells how she was scared but also not when Nick called him and said he is telling the police everything. ..

She thought her involvement in the Bloom robbery was very little and that Nick wasn’t even suspected of doing it. But Sean, his attorney just asked him to tell the police everything and he did. Even about the robberies, the police had no idea were “robberies”. Kim finds it unusual for an attorney to do, who usually waits for the investigation to end.

The detectives contacted Alexis at the house and she thought they were setting up a fake investigation to pump up the drama. The officers found Bilson’s clothes and brought them in for questioning. The producers kept on shooting and finally found their story. All the other girls were also apprehended. But Nick soon discovered that he too was being charged. When he called up Sean, the attorney said this is a procedure and when asked for a copy of the immunity agreement, he said he didn’t have it.

He had taken Brett Goodkin’s “word for it”. Kim denies seeing Sean’s video on the tablet of there ever being a conversation about giving him immunity. Sean had messed up big time. So much so for the flashy attorney! Andrea thought that the girls coming out of jail would be an “important scene” in the show and it was indeed chaos. The producers continued with the shooting and even shot a fabricated scene of the arrest. Technology turned out to be their bane when the LAPD corroborated the stories with photos of the stolen merchandise the girls and he were wearing.

The network wanted to take advantage of Alexis’ newfound fame and greenlit a full season. Even their attorneys wanted to cash in on that and Jeff, one of them, asked the producers to shoot a scene in the reality show where Alexis asks Susan, the other attorney, what to wear to court. The preliminary hearing began thereafter. It went as all legal affairs go; uneventfully.

Jeff gets the Vanity Fair to interview Alexis thinking it would help her case. But it doesn’t. The move worked completely against her. The producers behind the camera loved it. They had indeed struck “reality television” gold. Alexis calls Nancy, who wrote her story, live on camera. Alexis calls it a sexist hit piece just for the way she looked. It proved to be very detrimental to her case. Nick wasn’t going to be left behind. He frequently interacted with the paparazzi and still wore the stolen merchandise and got his pictures taken! He was fame addicted. In the most unimaginable way, he was even going on live doing interviews.

Good Morning America was one such instance. Nick then fired Sean and ABC connections got him a new attorney. Alexis’ addiction to heroin got worse as the trial neared. But the producers of Pretty Wild showed her in a relatively better light, which hurt Alexis. But in a scene from the show, Jeff comforts Alexis by saying she might be getting off the hook soon. Off camera, Jeff admits that scene was produced for the show and it was a blatant lie. The world came crashing down for Alexis when it was known Orlando bloom was testifying against Alexis. Kim offered a plea deal to Alexis that she took to avoid a long prison term.

Rachel had a complete mental breakdown after jail, even contemplating suicide. Nick’s new attorney, Markus wanted to start with Damage control. He was also trying to navigate a plea deal for Nick. But surprisingly, he took it. Rachel had already pled guilty to the counts and got four years in state prison. The case was set up nicely. But one humungous blunder on Brett’s part threw the case away. He got involved with Sofia Coppola’s movie and it compromised the DA’s case. Brett made a huge mistake by getting involved with Sofia Coppola’s movie and that ultimately led to Rachel’s release from prison. ..

Courtney pleaded no contest to the charges and was sentenced to community service. ..

Diana Tamayo and Roy Lopez both had the same result - they were all Scot free. ..

Fame was the downfall for all of the contestants. ..

In his final take, Nick confirms his apologetic stance over the entire saga. He blamed his instincts and his actions on his low sense of self. That is where his desire for material possessions sprang from. Alexis served 32 days of a six-month sentence and spend a year of rehab for her addiction. She also blames the ordeal in part on the culture for creating this obsession with a certain kind of lifestyle in the first place. Suddenly, every background behind the interviewees turns into a green screen, taking home the point of this illusion that controls us in this modern age.

The Episode Review

In a world where people are constantly being monitored and judged by their online presence, the idea of living life inauthentically has become a popular trend. Some people believe that this is the only way to be truly alive, and that it’s the only way to feel true love. Others find it to be a dangerous way to live, as it can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Either way, the trend has caught on, and people are starting to copy each other’s lifestyles in an attempt to find what they call “the real world.”

Markus’s comments in the finale of the series felt out of place, and didn’t match up with the rest of what we saw and heard. The substance of what he said felt too “2010.”

Episode 3 had me laughing on more than one occasion. Some truths about what happened were absolutely bonkers. Jeff and Sean both really had bad impressions, making us wonder how they agreed to be on it. The bemusement from some of the decisions we saw being taken in episode 3 was enough to carry us through. ..

The limited series perhaps was not as expansive as it could have been, making it less engaging and making it seem a bit dated and generic.