While Phoebe scores this success, Jayden struggles to gain approval of younger voters. Michael tells him he needs to change his style. Most importantly, he needs new shoes.

Jessie is concerned that Phoebe will embarrass her at a cocktail hour when she meets her colleagues. One professor rudely asks what Phoebe’s podcast contributes to her field, and Phoebe defends her show well.

“You, professor, are worthless,” she says. So is everything and everyone around them. “Actually, everything’s worthless, and it’s only through acknowledging it and diving into the filth that we even stand a chance of surviving the dumpster fire that is our world.” ..

This impresses Yann, and he asks her to get out of there with him. They stop to sit on a park bench and make out–but Yann quickly kills the mood for Phoebe. He asks her to recite the copy from her ad sponsor, like she does on her podcast. When she does, he orgasms almost immediately.

Phoebe is going to tell Jessie what happened, but Jessie is so excited to hear that Yann loved Phoebe and her “culture-shifting ideas.” She says he might vouch for her on the speaker circuit if she nails her seminar talk. He also wants to meet Phoebe again to further discuss her lecture. Phoebe reluctantly agrees. ..

Jayden campaigns in new shoes, but they get ruined when he steps into mud to help an older woman. A kid takes a picture of his shoes and says he’s going to post them online. Of course, Jayden’s opponent Tom Weaver uses the footage to roast Jayden. Jayden then decides he’s going to clean his shoes up and get back out there. ..

Yann meets Phoebe again, and they start making out after she goes over her lecture. But when he turns on an educational podcast to help him get in the mood, Phoebe runs away.

Jessie is called by her professor to tell her what happened. She tells Jessie that she doesn’t belong in academia, and that Yann’s choice of her was never about her great ideas.

Jessie complains to Phoebe that she is leaving a huge mess behind. They end the call angry with each other.

Jayden, cleaning his shoes with a toothbrush, steps in to help Jessie. He says that Phoebe tripped up and needed support, but Jessie didn’t give it to her. Meanwhile, Malika tries to reassure Phoebe that everything Yann said about her work and ideas was true. ..

Jessie then called to apologize to Phoebe and insist that she belongs in an academic setting. She is a talented individual who deserves to be on that stage for her own merits. ..

Phoebe gives her talk to a room of supportive friends. She explains that she almost didn’t show up because she was rejected from this school when she applied. But then she realized that all of her - messy and smart - belongs here. And that goes for everyone in the room. ..

The Episode Review

Phoebe Robinson’s Everything’s Trash is a show that is full of comedy and cringe. The line between the two can be very thin, which can make watching the show a bit frustrating. ..

The storyline with Jayden’s shoes is a clever way of exploring the idea of election process and its superficiality. However, the characterization of Jayden as an old-fashioned bore and the infantilization of the younger generation does not sell this point in any meaningful way.

So far, the show is providing some laughs and thought-provoking moments–even if both comedy and commentary are exaggerated. ..