Mr Corman

Josh’s father has had a heart attack and needs a ride to the hospital. Josh calls him out for the credit card fraud on the way. ..

While they drive, his Dad changes his mind and decides not to go inside after all. Well, the pair wind up getting take-out coffees and walking up the street together. What begins as an insistent need to wear masks soon disappears, as the pair walk up the street together and don’t bother to wear one.

As they walk, Josh’s father asks about Beth and his granddaughter. Josh’s father believes it was just a case of not showing up but Josh has other thoughts. He calls his Dad out for being high during their meetings and how he even dropped David too.

Josh opens up about his relationship with his daughter, Sarah. He reveals that he and his wife used to play this game together when Sarah was younger, but he can’t remember the details. It seems like he’s forgotten a lot of things since the good memories with his father have been overshadowed by this judgmental behavior he’s embraced. ..

Josh walks away from his father’s house after hearing enough. He knows that he is not the only one who has a problem with hypocrisy. His Father calls him out for this, and Josh walks away knowing that he too suffers from it. The familiar bell chime from before kicks in again.

Josh and Beth were watching a meteorite fall from the sky when they were kids, and their experience has come back to haunt them in the present. The rock that fell from the sky is now crashing down onto Earth, linking the two events together.

The Episode Review

Thee final episode to Mr Corman sees some important character growth. The conversation between Josh and his Dad is an important one too, reinforcing that Josh really doesn’t like himself very much.

This season, Josh has been a difficult person to work with. He’s judgmental and irritable, which makes it hard to get along with him. This is ironic because he can’t seem to pursue his dreams and is instead content living the way he does.

The show continues to struggle with its pacing and drama. There’s absolutely no comedy in this show beyond one or two misunderstanding jokes during the funeral episode. I genuinely have no idea why this show has been billed as a comedy because it’s really not funny. ..

With the finale up next, will Josh finally overcome his issues and become a better person?