
In this episode, Colin looks at how beauty is used to divide people and how it can be a tool for control. He also looks at the ways in which beauty can be used to oppress people of color.

Colin is worried about his homecoming dance. He’s attracted to Hailey, but he doesn’t want to be seen with her. He’s worried that he’ll be seen as a bad guy if he goes out with her.

Colin is trying to ask Crystal out, but he stumbles over his words. Eventually, she agrees to go out with him, but Colin’s friends are confused by this choice. They point out that Hailey is a much better option for him. ..

Colin heads over to Crystal’s place, dressed up in a gold and black suit. Crystal’s dress is just as pretty, with the pair having their pictures taken before heading out to the dance. ..

This article discusses how Teresa has concerns about Crystal’s complexion and how she passes it off as a “passing craze” for Colin. It’s pretty disappointing to see this from her, especially given the good work she did helping Colin find a barber, but it reinforces the hurtful stereotypes and racial prejudices that Colin – and other black men and women – are suffering from.

With the Winter Formal coming up and relations between Crystal and Colin frosty, the latter meets her and apologizes for not spending more time like they should have. However, this time Colin heads out with Lindsay, a girl he’s been forced to hooked up with by his mother. Only, he very clearly still has feelings for Crystal.

The dance goes ahead, but it’s a pretty tepid end to this chapter. ..

The Episode Review

The penultimate episode of Colin in Black & White takes a break from the life on the field to focus on homecoming and romantic relations. It’s something we haven’t seen a lot of across this season and to be honest, it doesn’t quite work as effectively as one may hope. ..

The racial divides in this school are well-done to show the attitudes and behaviors from people at school level. However, the ending does not offer much to the drama. The main point of this story is that people have different opinions and should be respected for who they are.

With the finale coming up, it is still unknown what direction this one takes next.