Road Trip

Episode 3 of Colin in Black & White begins with a look at white privilege, and specifically how that plays a part in Colin kneeling during the National Anthem. With a whole slew of different archival shots from this incident, another shot of Trump pops up before we cut back to the present day and continue our timeline. In Episode 3 of Colin in Black & White, we explore the role white privilege has played in Colin Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the National Anthem. We see a variety of archival footage from this controversial event, including shots of President Donald Trump appearing before we return to present day and continue our timeline. ..

Despite excelling on the football field, Colin feels like an outsider at school. This is especially true when he has to share a classroom with other students of color. Despite this, he continues to excel in baseball, despite not fitting in well with the other students there. This white privilege that follows him off the field is something that he must deal with on a daily basis.

Colin soon realizes that this sort of behavior is common and extends across the country. ..

The police officer asks Colin about the car he is driving and, after a brief conversation, issues a ticket for driving without a license. This sets off an argument between Colin and his parents, who are now convinced that Colin should have just driven to their next destination. The whole incident is a bit of a mess, but it’s also something that Colin will learn from and use as an opportunity to improve his driving skills.

The final game day arrives and Colin faces hostility on the baseball field too, as the umpire tries to psyche him out while he’s playing. Eventually though, Colin realizes that he’s not going to get a fair run of things so he makes the most of it and does his best. Their team win the tournament and everyone heralds Colin’s abilities.

The hostility from haters doesn’t deter him though, as Colin remains determined to continue on after winning the tournament. He even has some choice words for a racist man at the swimming pool too.

The Episode Review

Each episode of Black & White has shown Colin’s fight to make it in sports, as well as some shocking moments of racism. This season has seen Colin use his fighting skills and white privilege to take on inequality and racism, and he has done so in a raw and powerful way.

The officer out on the road is probably the most obvious example of this, and the changed focus to depict baseball working in the background adds an extra dimension to Colin’s story.

This chapter is important, highlighting inequality and racism. However, it is accompanied by a stilted and monotonous Colin Kaepernick narration. It can be a deal-breaker, but it is the only thing holding this book back right now. Overall, the sport drama is pretty strong.