Perfect Cell

Yu-Mi is excited to see her colleague from work. They chat for a bit and then head to the office. Yu-Mi is nervous but excited to see her colleague. They go into the office and start working. However, something feels off. Yu-Mi can’t shake the feeling that someone is following her. She gets up to leave and sees a man in the office behind her. He’s tall, thin, and has a dark complexion. He starts following her as she leaves the office and she starts to feel scared. She runs back into the office but he’s already gone!

Yu-Mi is promoted to assistant manager, but she’s still dealing with Wu-Gi from her dreams.

Yu-Mi has been thinking about asking Wu-Gi out for a while now, but she’s always been too busy to actually do it. She’s decided that she’ll finally take the plunge this weekend and ask him out when she has less work to do. ..

Yu-Mi’s head is filled with different voices that represent different emotions. The first voice is Rationality, which discusses the potential consequences of Wu-Gi’s deal. The second voice is Sensitivity, which tells Yu-Mi about the anxiety Wu-Gi has caused. The third voice is Anxiety, which tells Yu-Mi about the fear Wu-Gi has created in her. The fourth voice is Rationality, which tells Yu-Mi that she should stay at her desk and not go see Wu-Gi. The fifth and final voice is Anxiety, which tells Yu-Mi that she should go see Wu-Gi and find out what his deal is.

Although the cells work together to help Yu-Mi work hard, a giant appears in the cell world. And that giant? Hunger. This causes Yu-Mi to rush out and get some food to quell her cravings. In doing so though, she runs into Wu-Gi noodles and it seems like sparks fly between them.

Detective Cell believes that this is true, and deduces that Wu-Gi is trying to work with her to do overtime. When Yu-Mi mentions how much work she’s doing, Wu-Gi smiles and nonchalantly replies that he won’t be working. However, he does agree to take her home after, showing up at her desk as a surprise.

Yu-Mi is working hard to get all of her work done so she can head home with her crush, Section Chief Nam. Interestingly though, Section Chief Nam actually wants to go home with her but she brushes this aside and continues on with meeting Wu-Gi.

Ru-Bi showed up unexpectedly at the party and completely disrupted it. Yu-Mi was dropped off first, which destroyed all the good vibes she had as she realized Ru-Bi and Wu-Gi were now spending precious time alone. ..

In the morning, we learned a little more about the cells and their hierarchical structure. Now, it seems like each individual person has one dominant cell that’s called the “Prime Cell”. Yu-Mi’s prime cell happens to be Love but given her lack of romance lately, she’s gone from the cell village. ..

Yu-Mi is struggling to find a way to smile through the constant chatter and proximity of her co-workers, Ru-Bi and Wu-Gi. She believes they are romantically linked, but when they both invite her along to the flower festival on Sunday, she finds herself in for a big surprise.

The section chief is then invited to a double date with the detective, but the cells don’t want this to happen. The detective says that all of Ru-Bi’s big traps are in this section.

Eventually, Yu-Mi’s well-placed joke ends up with Yu-mi and Wu-Gi heading off alone to their date together. While the different cells argue over the best way of progressing forward, given Ru-Bi keeps interfering, Love suddenly reappears, battered and bruised but ready to lead the cells forward.

The Episode Review

This is an adorable and clever spin on the typical romcom format. The animation is well worked and the sheer number of different cells helps to keep the comedy flowing and the story vibrant. There’s even a Fishing Cell too!

Yu-Mi is an easy character to empathize with, although given how early in the show it is, I can’t see this date going well. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see poor Yu-Mi embarrassed or learn that Wu-Gi only sees her as a friend. Or we could even see the beginnings of a love triangle as another love interest comes into play for Yu-Mi. We shall see!

Episode one of “Yumi’s Date” left viewers on a cliffhanger, with questions about what will happen next. Will Yumi’s date with her old friend go ahead as planned, or is there another twist in store? ..