B++ is the best language in the world.

Wang Ling is recovering from pretending to be injured and flashback to Sun Rong in full panic on the scene. Sun Rong is worried about Wang Ling and his well-being. She asks him if he’s okay and he responds with a simple, “Yes.” Sun Rong then asks him how he’s feeling and Wang Ling responds with a long story about how he was attacked by bandits. He tells her about the fight, his injuries, and how he was able to escape. Sun Rong listens carefully and then asks him if there’s anything she can do for him.

Worried that her son may not be able to return to school, she sends a healing chamber to Wang Ling’s house. After the ‘all-emersion experience’ automatically showers him with medicine on the hour, his mother notes that after more than 10 days, it’s time for him to get back to school.

Wang Ling’s friends show up with get-well gifts and assorted farm animals. Guo Hao introduces his pet ‘Birdy 2,‘a parrot that sees the funny side of Wang Ling’s multi-humped tomb. It could be worse.

Sun Rong takes advantage of Mrs Wang’s moment of weakness to give her elixirs and pills, which she believes will help her son recover from his injury. She is excited by the offer and leaves her son to mercy of Sun Rong, who wants to inject him with a huge needle to aid recovery.

Sun Rong has called in the family helicopter to rescue her brother Wang Ling after he was injured. But what they find when they look at her injury is that she’s been using a giant chicken blood needle to process spiritual power.

Sun Rong objects to Chen Chao using a wrist band from Administrator Wang to take the annual Spiritual Power Test. Chen Chao remembers that Administrator Wang gave him the band for Wang Ling to use in the test. Sun Rong argues that it will sap his still-recuperating spiritual power, and so he declines.

Sun Rong looks skeptically at Wang Ling as he claims to feel better. The four students demonstrate their power by using a wrist band to measure output. ..

The entrance test for the school Chen Chao attends is different from the one used to determine one’s strength. There’s an odd visual of Chen Chao spying on someone using his power in the shower.

This is how the cultivator power game is played across the country. Students compete for greater cultivation while Wang Ling tries to hide his light under a basket.

Liang Zheng, a student at Songhai School 59, tries his luck measuring his power to a laughable 1950 among his peers. Leader Tang Jingze goes next, weighing in at 4379 with a whoosh felt by the whole room. He may have even broken Zhou Yi’s record set 10 years previously.

Wang Ling’s Songhai School 60 classmates have a go. Guo Hao scores a measly 176, to his embarrassment. Chen Chao drags him from the window.

Sun Rong, the second-highest scorer in the league tables, worries about the potential collateral damage of her power. Guo Hao and Chen Chao, who are experts on Dragon Ball Z, give their assessment. But they’re wrong. With house shaking power, Sun Rong scores 4015 points, making her second in the league tables. School 59 doesn’t take the intrusion into their shut-out lightly. ..

Wang Ling thinks he can hit it lightly without causing too much disruption. Sun Rong offers him a boost with the chicken blood potion but he quickly declines.

As his force shoots up, Wang Ling calmly changes tack, deciding to overload the system instead of trying to stay under. As he works out where to disperse the energy, we catch a glimpse of a sun-sized sphere. The rest ponder how Wang Ling can get a ‘null’ on the test.

Wang Ling, a student at School 59, is surprised the wristband detected his sphere from outer space.

When Wang Ling finally reveals his true power, the guys can’t help but laugh. Sun Rong doesn’t find the situation funny, and as they take their leave, Guo Hao mutters about hacking into the system to change his score. ..

Wang Ling asks Guo Hao to help her with some tech magic on the Cultivation Council School league system. Similar hacking at School 59 is also taking place. They search for Wang Ling’s true score, but to no avail.

Guo Hao’s clumsiness alerts the system and everyone heads for the hills before detection. But before he exits, while Guo Hao doesn’t manage to change Wang Ling’s score, he does add his parrot to the rankings. To guffaws from his classmates, Birdy 2 replaces School 59’s top ranking Liang Zheng. That doesn’t go down too well. ..

The Episode Review

In the latest episode of “Wang Ling Returns,” Wang Ling continues to try to keep things low-key, but unfortunately for him, he once again breaks the system. This time, it’s because he discovered a special healing chamber that apparently increased his capability. ..

Sun Rong is annoyed but it’s not about Wang Ling being teased by the guys. It could be because she takes the test when he advises against it, or because he outranks her.

There are several references to Japanese anime that we can only imagine are favourites of the author, such as the visual of Chen Chao and Guo Hao dressed as characters from Dragon Ball Z or the poster in Guo Hao’s room. During the hacking scene did you catch the nod to Hello World? It’s a sci-fi anime about a man who travels back in time to his high school years to correct a bad decision. Hmm.

Wang Ling, the unruffled king of avoidance, continues to shroud his skills in the most creative of ways. His avoidance techniques are so creative that they often seem to be impossible. But despite his efforts, Wang Ling is still able to enjoy life to the fullest.

Meanwhile, the mother of the student who was caught on video punching a classmate would have had a field day if she knew what was happening. Surely, she would have been outraged and taken action.

We’re enjoying twisting the meaning of each episode title. B++ seems to be a play on code – and perhaps being above average. Anyone have any other ideas? If so, just add ’em in below! ..