Last Exit… Oakland

What happens to Leander and Poppy at the police station?

Markus tells Aames that Poppy is following him and that she’s been trying to get ahold of him. He also says that he knows about the body and that Poppy is looking for him. Aames asks Markus if he knows anything about the murder, to which Markus responds with a no.

Poppy tells the officers outside the police station that she won’t talk to them and then reveals what happened to Markus. I mean, it’s literally right outside and anyone could hear right now. Anyway, I digress. Because neither of them have told the police the truth about the stabbing then Leander is going to be kept in for questioning. ..

With Poppy in the clear, she learns that Haywood was actually following her. However, Haywood seems to have phoned Shelter the morning after the murders. This would back up the notion that Micah is the one behind the killings… but is she really? This suspicion spreads across to Markus too, who phones Ivy and asks her to figure out what it all means.

When Poppy visits Leander in prison, he encourages her to let Micah speak up and tell her side of the story. He urges her not to give up one sin for another, and to put this to bed once and for all.

What does Poppy learn from Micah?

Poppy goes to an empty theater and questions why Micah stole Rose’s identity. She then throws shade at Poppy and her family name. Apparently, not everything Micah said was a lie. Poppy feels like she was abandoned by Poppy’s family, whom she claims were like a family to her. ..

Poppy sees through Micah’s attempts to deceive her and calls him out on his involvement in the murder of Joshua. When she brings up the phone calls, Micah is surprised and disbelieving, walking away. ..

In a room full of strangers, Poppy tells her story of being forced into a relationship with a man she didn’t want and then running away. She shares how Micah’s support has helped her through these tough times and how she wants to tell her story in order to help others who may be going through similar experiences.

Meanwhile, Markus confirms that Haywood actually phoned Ivy not Micah. This could well reinforce the idea that Micah is innocent. Well, CCTV footage from the warehouse confirms as much, incriminating Ivy and putting her in the firing line for the murders. Officers, led by Aames take her away in handcuffs. ..

Why did Ivy kill Joshua?

Ivy is tight-lipped and refuses to talk to anyone other than Micah. In order to gain a confession, Micah reluctantly heads in to speak with her subordinate.

Rose told Josh everything, but Josh wasn’t comfortable living a lie. Revealing the truth would have destroyed Micah - and Ivy was not going to let that happen. Convincing Haywood was apparently easy, given the bad blood from the documentary, and Ivy’s investment in Shelter comes from pouring her own money into protecting the company’s brand. ..

Ivy wanted to write her own story, but the plan – to her at least – was perfect. The combination to the lockbox, Josh’s gun and the timing itself all led to the perfect getaway. What she and Haywood weren’t counting on though, was Joshua being with Drew. ..

Ivy was the one who hit Drew in the back of the head, eventually putting the gun in Drew’s hand to make it look like he was responsible. According to Ivy, this was all a ploy to protect Shelter’s integrity and Micah herself.

Ivy was angry when she found out about Rose and how Micah stole her life. She planned to kill her, turning her into a martyr of sorts. But as Micah walks away, Ivy is called out for being a con artist and screaming that she should be left with nothing.

In the wake of this confession, and the truth being revealed, Micah and Poppy patch up their differences. As they hug outside, Micah allows Poppy to speak up and reveal the truth on her podcast. She apologizes for what happened to Rose, unaware that the book would blow up as fast as it would. She confirms that her and Rose will always be connected.

How did Leander get out of prison?

The Martin Haywood murder case has been shrouded in mystery since it occurred. However, after Ivy’s confession was released, it seems that the police have come to the conclusion that Haywood acted in self-defence. This is still not clear, as Ivy’s statement does not exonerate Haywood completely, but he is released from prison nonetheless. ..

At the gates are his biker buddies, whom he drives off with back to the bar. Heading in alone, he takes Poppy’s birth certificate and burns it completely. Just as he does, watching the flames lick up the side of the paper, Poppy signs off with the name of Scoville, embracing Leander’s side of the family.

The Episode Review

The police didn’t bother to check out the CCTV footage from the warehouse that night of the murder where they find both Ivy and Martin Haywood outside. And why was there an angle about Aames being beaten up by fellow officers? Maybe it’s just me, and please let me know if I’m missing something but it seems like this was a pretty sloppy bit of investigative work to pull that CCTV footage out at the last second.

Ultimately, Truth Be Told tries to throw a last-minute twist in the story (which is actually quite good in truth) but the execution is lacking. While there have been indications that this is what’s happened (giving Holt the money in the parking lot) a lot of this season has felt like busywork, with Poppy dead-set on incriminating Micah no matter what. ..

This is a particularly ironic twist given the whole Warren Cave subplot that fizzled out last season, revolving around Poppy not seeing the bigger picture and being stuck on tunnel vision. Unfortunately, the same is said here and despite all fingers pointing to Micah, it turns out she’s innocent.

The show’s main focus is on the search for the truth, and as such, it does a great job of keeping things interesting even as it meanders. However, it’s likely that Apple will not renew the show for a third season, so this finale is a bit of a let-down. Still, we’ll have to wait and see what happens next.