Goodbye, Dear Woong

This finale of Yumi’s Cells features Woong agreeing to spend some time apart, which Emotion Cell takes over Cell Land and sings karaoke and watches home videos of Yumi’s time with Woong.

Yu-Mi is stuck in a rut and Bobby senses it. He knows that it’s hard being alone, given he was recently dumped by his girlfriend, and figured out Yu-Mi was going through something similar after spying a picture of Woong ripped down from her desk.

Bobby, who discarded a ring at work, later regretted his decision and decided to try and get it back. However, the ring was gone. He knows what it’s like to miss someone and appears to be struggling too. He encourages Yu-Mi to go for a run with him, given that exercise is great for mental health. ..

Yu-Mi decides to head home and see her parents. It’s a great way to gain some perspective and get back into the right headspace. Although, she ends up eating a ridiculous amount of food. As we all know though, the stomach is divided into different sections and despite being full, there’s ALWAYS room for dessert!

Yu-Mi’s heart isn’t full though. She wants a happy ending with Woong but right now that doesn’t seem likely. However, the next day at work Woong messages and asks how Yu-Mi is doing. They exchange texts and even agree to see each other later on. However, Yu-Mi contemplates whether to use the Break Up card for real this time. ..

Ruby is at her office when she hears from Ugi that he doesn’t want to date her. She feels broken after hearing this and doesn’t know if she’ll ever be the same again. She’s considering whether or not she’ll even find a partner again.

Remember the game before about Bobby liking someone with U in their name? Well, Yu-Mi believes it could be Ruby (it’s definitely not though) and thinks about setting Bobby up on a blind date. He immediately shoots down that idea though.

How does Yumi’s Cells season 1 end?

As the episode comes to a close, the big meeting between Woong and Yu-Mi goes ahead. Woong has thought it through and he decides to break things off – for real this time. Yu-Mi is thrown off her game but eventually places her break-up card down on the table too. The relationship is over. After 1 year and 1 month of dating, Yu-Mi’s third official relationship comes to an end.

The Episode Review

Woong and Yu-Mi’s relationship had been deteriorating for some time, and it seems like it was only a matter of time before things came to a head. ..

The showrunners have created a dilemma for season 2 by having two characters who are attracted to each other but also have different goals in mind. It would seem like Bobby and Yu-Mi are going to start a romantic relationship but there’s the potential that this could lead to rebound territory.

The webtoon has definitely caught my attention and I’m glad it was renewed. I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but there’s definitely enough here to warrant a second season. The ending definitely hints that there’s more drama in store.

Yu-Mi’s Cells ends with a bittersweet chapter, one with a sad conclusion but also tinges of hope too. Yu-Mi has finally found her leading man, but she will still have to face the challenges that come with being in a relationship.