What Is Love?

In the finale of You, Joe tries to hide evidence from killing Ryan. Marienne messages about his death but Joe has problems of his own. A flustered Love heads back and mentions the situation with Theo before coming completely unraveled.

Joe and Love are struggling to keep up appearances after learning that they are expecting their second child. Joe is planning to leave Love soon, but Love is hoping that Marienne will stay with them. ..

What happens with Ryan’s murder?

The police are investigating a murder that seems to be connected to a mugger who didn’t take anything from the victim and left him in cold blood. In Madre Linda, one of the safest suburbs, it seems as if something is off.

It would appear as if this is the end of our Ryan saga, as we move on to Marienne questioning whether Joe wants to join her and run away together. The pair do eventually break down their barriers, exchanging a heartfelt “I love you.”

Everything is looking good for Joe, but there’s one problem: Theo isn’t dead. Joe decides not to kill the boy, showing compassion, and instead takes him to the hospital. ..

Does Love find out the truth about Joe’s affair?

Joe has been cheating on his wife with Marienne and is responsible for the death of Ryan. Love follows up finding the bloody rags at home with piecing together what Joe has been up to. She realizes that Joe is responsible for killing Ryan and is cheating on her with Marienne.

Love is livid and eventually confronts Joe about this. Joe, in retaliation, brings up the situation with Theo. As things grow heated, Joe decides they should get a divorce. And then Henry cries, distracting them. ..

Joe collapses on the floor after learning that his wife, Love, is poisonings him. Love takes off and decides to “save their marriage” while Joe lies motionless on the floor. He’s been paralyzed and when Love skips away, it’s just the opportunity Matthew needs to show up and confront him. He soon finds out that Theo is in hospital, thanks to checking Joe’s phone while he’s paralyzed.

Joe was the one who killed Ryan.

Just as things were about to go from bad to worse, Juliette showed up and distracted Love. This was enough for her to snap out of her murderous rage – at least momentarily – and tell the pair to run away. ..

What happens to Marienne?

Questions still remain over exactly where Marienne and Juliette have run off too, but if the ending to this season is anything to go by, it would appear as if it’s the not we’ve heard from here. Still, they skip out the door together and when it closes, that’s the last time we see Marienne in this season. Thankfully she does survive though. ..

Do Joe and Love survive?

Love, left alone to her thoughts, decides she needs to take care of Joe once and for all. As she comes at him with a knife, Joe injects Love with Aconite, which causes paralysis. It turns out Joe expected all of this and dosed himself with adrenaline just before Love played her hand. ..

Joe leaves Henry with Dante to look after him from now on.

Joe returns home to find a perfect crime scene. He cut off two of his toes to make it look like they had a big fight, set the scene up to frame Love, and left her on the floor in a paralyzed state. This was all done to make it look like Love killed Joe.

What happens to Sherry and Cary?

While this is happening, Sherry and Cary manage to slip away from the glass cage, thanks to Love’s amateurish moves and hiding a key inside the inventory. As they slip away, the pair take advantage of their ordeal and paint Love as a murderous psycho. They even release a new book too. ..

After Joe and Love left, Madre Linda started to heal. ..

How does Love Season 3 end?

As we close out this twisted tale of murder and revenge, Matthew and Theo rekindle their father/son relations as they leave hospital together. Dante and Lansing win custody of Henry from drunkard Dottie while both Jackson and Andrew take over the bakery.

A young woman and her daughter show up at a bar in Paris. It’s not Marienne and Juliette, but Joe heads out to find his “true love.” ..

The Episode Review

In a conclusion, Madre Linda wraps up everything that happened in the story and closes out the love story between You and Henry. The whole story felt diluted and failed to really capture what makes You such an enthralling watch.

This finale at least tries to make up for the large stretches of mediocrity across the season, but it’s definitely been the weaker of the three.

The show has been criticized for its lack of depth in the characters themselves and for the way that Love is often absent from the narrative. ..

This season has been a weird mix of ideas that have never quite gelled well together to make it worth the 10 episode run. It’s not a bad season per-se, but it’s not a particularly great one either. In the end, You bows out with a pretty good finale that just about makes up for the indifferent middle portion of chapters. ..

The finale of season 3 of “Stranger Things” was a success according to many viewers. Some people thought that the show was way off the mark, while others agreed with our write-up. So what did you think of the finale? Did you enjoy it or were we way off the mark? Let us know in the comments below!