Butt Plug

In this episode, we explore a philosophical fable between the power of redemption and the drive for revenge. The story follows a man who is trying to find his way in the world after being wronged by someone he loved. He comes across aPlug, a device that can help him find his way back to the person he loves. Butt Plug is one of the most powerful devices in the story, and it will decide whether or not the man can find his way back to them.

The main crux of the drama here stems from a montage of flashbacks, which show a group of kids bullying a poor immigrant boy called Daniel. The ringleader through all of this is a kid called Eli Spector.

Eli is down on his luck, struggling to provide for his kids. Daniel Jung meanwhile, is now one of the world’s richest men.

Daniel is approached by Eli, a friend from college, to help him with a project he’s working on. Daniel is hesitant at first, but after hearing about Blockchain and how it could help improve the economy, he decides to help out. He doesn’t want to be a part of the cool kids who are following the latest fad, so he tells Eli to stay away.

Daniel suggests that he develop a revolutionary butt plug. There is no contract or promise that this will work, but he will grant him a meeting with the board of investors at his company in a year’s time. Only, that would mean he needs to quit his job and develop it. ..

The thing is, it’s difficult to know whether Daniel is just messing with him or whether he’s being genuine. Either way, Eli takes a leap of faith and starts to develop this product.

A year has passed and Eli shows up at Daniel’s office. Daniel greets him warmly, throwing some cryptic chatter his way and hoping he has more to share than a butt plug. It’s all designed to throw Eli off his game but it doesn’t deter him in the slightest. He delivers an excellent presentation, much to Daniel’s dismay. ..

Eli absolutely kills it and by the end, he turns it around to Daniel and uses his own words to talk about mercy. It’s enough to win the board over… except for Daniel. He tells Eli, in no uncertain terms, to shove his idea up his ass. Eli leaves, head held high, and thanks Daniel for the opportunity all the same. Eli is convinced that he has a big revolutionary product and intends to prove Daniel wrong.

As we pan back to Daniel one more time, he puts Eli’s butt plug product inside a trophy case, which is full of butt plugs; his own personal revenge stash.

Despite his initial concerns, it seems like Daniel has systematically gone after all these different bullies and put them through their paces. The idea of mercy VS revenge is ultimately the main drive of this episode and in the end, revenge is the stronger emotion. Daniel has built his whole empire on the ability to prove others wrong, using his past scars as a trophy of sorts, making sure that he’s never bullied again. In the end, Eli manages to become a better person through developing this product, rekindling those passionate fires that he seemed to lose. ..

After his outburst of anger, Daniel’s words suggest that he may have a different agenda in mind when it comes to revenge. His clear desire to make the bullies pay for their actions leaves open the question of whether or not mercy is more important to him. Ultimately, this decision rests with us as viewers, who can decide for ourselves what drives Daniel to succeed.

The Episode Review

Despite a really solid presentation and a pretty convincing argument, Daniel comes out on top as his drive for revenge overcomes mercy. It’s a clever inclusion, and one that feels quite reminiscent of those pitches from Dragon’s Den that actually go right… until the last second where everything just falls apart. ..

This season’s finale was pretty good and the acting from both Eric Lange and Daniel Dae Kim was enough to elevate this chapter. However, the shooting during episode 2 is by far the highlight of this whole anthology.

This weird blend of different ideas has been a bit hit or miss at times in The Premise, but it’s undeniably one of the more unusual projects to hit our screens in 2021. Whether we’ll get a second season off the back of this is anyone’s guess, but there’s certainly enough to like here!