Lovers Of The Red Sky

This finale begins with Cheon-Ki painting the royal portrait. With wisps of green smoke radiating from her, she continues to paint. She’s also ever-more aware that Ha-Ram is going to show up at the Sealing Ceremony.

Yangmyung is there to check up on the painters and enlists the help of Mi-Soo to seal the door while they work.

Cheon-Ki urges her peers to work faster as Ha-Ram, the new Crown Prince, arrives at the palace. He immediately shows off his red eyes and black smoky complexion. He’s no longer Ha-Ram and the demon is ready to strike. ..

Ha-Ram, the god of war, enters the chambers to find Cheon-Ki, the demon king, slashing away at the mystical energy that surrounds the palace. Mi-Soo jumps in to try and stop him but is quickly thrown across the courtyard. Cheon-Ki then turns to face Ha-Ram who conjures blasts of purple energy from his hands. Despite this, Cheon-Ki manages to slow him down. Mi-Soo then enters the fray and tries to help Ha-Ram but is soon thrown across the courtyard as well. ..

What does the demon do to Cheon-Ki?

The demon steps into the palace and confronts Cheon-Ki, draining her energy. ..

As she pleads with Ha-Ram to come forth, Cheon-Ki is blinded and the future of the divine painting hangs in the balance.

Naturally, the Tiger Spirit and God Samshin team up to try and trap the demon outside. They manage to bide the painters some time, as Yangmyung appears before Cheon-Ki’s side. He puts a paintbrush in her hand as Hwacha appears and reassures her, confirming she can do this.

Is the painting completed?

Despite being blind, Cheon-Ki is guided by both Yangmyung and Hwacha who try to steer her down the right path. However, it’s actually the spirit of Eun-O, Cheon-Ki’s father, which helps her complete the portrait.

The painting has been completed by his daughter, who started it all those years ago. It makes sense that she’s the one to help him complete it now.

With no Dae-Yu in sight, Cheon-Ki manages to finish the painting. However, Hwacha is the one who manages to add the needed divinity to trap the demon.

How is the demon stopped?

With a final flourish, Samshin sacrifices herself and turns into a giant butterfly to stop the demon from harming the painting. She clutches it tightly with her smoke-drenched wings, ready to fight until the end.

A painting of a demon is engulfed in orange and black smoke, with the goddess Samshin disappearing in the process. ..

Mi-Soo finally redeems herself, sacrificing her own life to help with this mighty task. As she sputters blood across the floor, she passes away.

What happens between Cheon-Ki and Yangmyung?

In the wake of all this drama, Cheon-Ki is still blind. Ha-Ram survives too and gets his sight back, holding his lover under the red moon. With everything finding its rightful place, we’re back to how our characters were all those weeks ago. Naturally, the pair kiss and it seems our couple get their happily ever after all.

We follow Dae-Yu as he travels the world, meeting new people and learning about their cultures. He decides that a painter like him should be able to express himself in many different ways, and so he begins his travels.

Prince Juhyung is still in prison and actually not dead yet, despite still being infected with the demon’s scar. In fact, he and his followers have been planning this big escape for the last 5 years and with all the troops in place, they’re ready to strike.

Yangmyung is ready to leave and he says his goodbyes to Ha-Ram and Cheon-Ki, who are down by the shore. ..

How does Cheon-Ki get her sight back?

Yangmyung and her team learn that the blindness that befell Cheon-Ki was actually the demon’s curse. With the spirit trapped inside the painting and the threat thwarted, she’s subsequently been healed too. The curse is gone and both Ha-Ram and Cheon-Ki are no longer blinded. But what of the situation involving Ha-Ram’s father? Well, Yangmyung solves that.

He heads over to visit the happy couple and gives them a Bestowal of Honor. This is basically an appointment of office for the deceased, which in turn would allow Ha-Ram and his descendants to take the state exam and no longer be disgraced by past generations.

Yangmyung rushes back to the palace, only to find out that something is wrong. He needs to find out what’s going on before it gets too dangerous.

How does Lovers of the Red Sky end?

Prince Juhyang breaks free from his captors and takes over the Jeongan Pavilion. Yangmyung, determined to stop him at any cost, dons his armor and sets off to confront him. As their armies clash, the season comes to an end. ..

The Episode Review

The finale of Lovers of the Red Sky left many viewers feeling frustrated and angry. The show had been dragging on for far too long, and the last hour was filled with unnecessary cliffhangers that did more harm than good. ..

With no word on whether a second season is coming (at the time of writing this), Red Sky makes it difficult to get invested in the final hour.

The show’s main problem is that the interesting part – the demon – is finished by the 30 minute mark, while the build-up to the Juhyang fight is never actually shown. This makes the show less enjoyable because it was what made it unique and interesting in the first place. ..

The Lovers of the Red Sky series is a historical drama that tells the story of two people who fall in love during World War II. Despite some enjoyable characters and a pretty decent premise, the ending does not live up to expectations. The main problem is that the story feels too slow and too drawn out, making it difficult to follow.