New Beginnings

Does Selim find out about his father?

Orhan tells Selim that he’s been waiting for him and Selim is devastated. He doesn’t know what to do or say as he realizes his father was only in the club for a short time and didn’t have a lot of time to enjoy life. The Club is his home now and he wants to make it work as best as possible for all of them.

Orhan suggests they cut the phone lines, while it rests on Celebi’s shoulders to make sure this night goes off without a hitch. When a journalist does sneak through the ranks, he’s quickly beaten and carried away. Only, Selim notices this and calls Celebi out for being a gangster. Celebi, never one to take well to criticism, is visibly fuming.

Selim’s father has passed, and Selim is upset that he wasn’t told in advance. He suspects his rival, Celebi, of sending the letter to sabotage his performance. Everyone at the club is watching to see what will happen. ..

The performance goes okay, but Celebi’s temper getting the better of him sees a stern word or two by Orhan. He questions the man’s devotion to the club and calls him out for being in love with Matilda. Off the back of this, he makes a big decision to make Matilda run the backstage while Selim handles the club side of things.

Does Rasel choose Mordo or Ismet?

Rasel and Celebi are trying to figure out what to do about Celebi, who has shown up at their door. Rasel is worried that she’s going to leave and won’t be home when she should be. Celebi tells Rasel that she’s going to stay out and won’t be home, which is less than idea.

Rasel wakes up early one morning and makes a choice. She tells Mordo that she’s pregnant and wants to raise the baby alone, but Mordo stays devoted to her and suggests they go to Israel together and make a new life for themselves. ..

How Does The Club part 1 end?

Matilda heads home later that evening and finds Rasel telling her about a baby. Completely shocked, Matilda tells her daughter to not make the same mistakes she did. Realizing that Rasel’s mind is already made up, Matilda says goodbye to Ismet and boards the cruise boat bound for Israel with Rasel and Mordo. Ready for a new beginning, they wave goodbye to this chapter of their lives as they board their boat for Israel. ..

The Episode Review

Rasel makes a difficult decision to stay with Mordo over Ismet, but it is ultimately the best decision for her. She has suffered enough at the hands of the latter, and choosing to stick around would have only made things worse. This choice also strengthens Matilda, who has been through so much pain this season.

The second part of “The Return of Matilda” left things open for a tantalizing soapy follow-up. The melodrama hasn’t disappointed. Learning more about Matilda and her estranged relationship with Rasel is what’s made this an enjoyable watch, but it also has its problems. ..

Selim’s drama at the club with his father is a large part of this episode. However, he still manages to perform well. Little touches like this make for a formulaic watch, but the ending promises more melodrama and soap opera-like shenanigans from Selim and his friends. ..

The Club’s first season was a success, according to many. Some people are fans of the story, while others are not. Let us know in the comments below what you thought of it!