The Mission

McGregor, who played Obi-Wan in the original trilogy, will be appearing in a new movie called Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and it’s been announced that he’ll be returning to the role for a cameo.

Episode 1 of Obi-Wan begins with a motley band of Jedi children running away from the impending Order 66. This sets the stage for an exciting adventure that will keep fans on the edge of their seats. ..

Ten years after the events of “A New Hope,” a new threat arises on the sand-choked planet of Tatooine. It’s not Obi-Wan Kenobi who arrives on his ship though. It’s a new enemy, joined by two of his lackeys. These are Inquisitors, sent to hunt and kill any remaining Jedi. The Grand Inquisitor is the one in charge but it’s the Third Sister, Reva, who appears to be our main antagonist. ..

Reva is determined to track down Obi-Wan, fed up of hunting minnows and wanting to catch a big fish. The Grand Inquisitor soon puts her in her place though, reminding her of the hierarchy they adhere too.

Obi-Wan is living in a cave nearby while working low paying jobs, eking out a living. He’s also in contact with a Jawa trader called Teeka, who happens to have salvaged a Jedi ship out in the wastes. Obi shrugs any idea of the Jedi returning aside, adamant that there are no more Jedi out there. Well, apart from Luke of course.

Obi-Wan watches from afar as Luke messes around with a toy ship in A New Hope. However, Uncle Owen throws the ship back the next day and tells Luke to stay away from him.

Obi-Wan runs into a traveler named Nari on the way back to his cave. Nari calls him Obi-Wan rather than Ben. The Inquisitors are hunting him and he needs help. Obi-Wan encourages him to bury the lightsaber and lay low, moving on with his life. “The time of the Jedi is over,” our protagonist says, riding off and urging Nari to do the same.

The Grand Inquisitor is here to take Reva down and he quickly shows up with Nari. It’s touch and go for a while, but eventually Reva walks away, promising Nari she’ll get him next time. As we see later in the episode though, they do find Nari and string him up in town for all to see.

Leia escapes from her captors and makes her way to Alderaan, where she meets up with the Rebel Alliance and helps them fight against the Empire. In the process, she becomes a senator and learns new skills.

Leia’s adoptive parents plead with Obi-Wan and try to get him to help bring her back. They can’t get anyone else involved, so for now they’re a bit stuck. Obi-Wan refuses, pointing out that 10 years have passed and he’s not the same man he once was. Bail doesn’t take no for an answer, and shows up at his cave in the next scene – presumably by flying rather than teleporting – and reveals his location; Leia has been taken to Daiyu.

Disney’s latest toy, Lola, has been used by little Leia to break out of her binds. Her captor arrives though and destroys her robot in front of her, promising that no one is coming to save her. Obi-Wan might be able to help her.

Reva has been planning this all along. She knows that Obi-Wan is hiding out on Tatooine, so she concocts a plan to lure him out. And it works - he decides to go find his old lightsaber and prepare to rescue Princess Leia. ..

The Episode Review

In the opening episode of the new Clone Wars series, Obi-Wan Kenobi is sidelined after a misfire in his book of Boba Fett. We have seen a lot of Reva (more on that in a minute) and Leia, with tiny glimpses of Luke. Now we have a whole mission to go off and save Leia.

Disney is continuing to churn out Star Wars products willy-nilly, and Reva feels like a step down on a steep ladder to mediocrity set up by Book of Boba Fett’s tepid effort.

The first episode of “The Lion King” feels cheap, with overacting and some poor CGI. This is unacceptable for a Disney show, and raises eyebrows given their resources. ..

That’s before mentioning some of the nitty-gritty details that this episode throws up. Why can’t the Senate let it be known that Leia has been kidnapped? And to combat any doubters, he decides to fly there personally without a guard, touch down on Tatooine, head to Ben’s cave (and know its location) and wait for him with an ominous hood. Really? Wouldn’t the Senate and the Empire be keeping tabs on everyone? ..

Episode 2 of “The Adventure Zone” aired on August 12th and it failed to live up to the high standards set by the first episode. The basic worldbuilding tools that were introduced in the first episode were not used effectively and the show’s overall quality suffered as a result. However, it is possible that Episode 2 will redeem itself and prove to be an enjoyable experience. ..